Friday, December 1, 2017

December 1, 2017

Prepare the way of the Lord!
I pray that this advent season, your family can ask and discuss how they can use their head, heart, hands, and feet to be a disciple of Christ and prepare the way of the Lord. We are a part of God's story, His children, and He equips those He calls! 

Thank you:

This week had some events that asked for parent participation. Thank you for your purchases at the book fair and worshipping with us at chapel. I value those moments when I can talk and say more than a "Hi" in the hall. Your acts of appreciation and words of encouragement are blessings to me. 

Gingerbread Houses:

On Wednesday afternoon, December 13, from 1:00 to 3:00, the 3rd graders will be putting together gingerbread houses.  Children will be taking home a gingerbread house of their very own. There are a couple items we need for this project. Please take a look at the sign-up genius for food and candy items to donate for construction. 

           Some years, parents bring along cake decorating equipment to help with the decorating portion of our project.  If you are so inclined, please consider sending that along. Most importantly, we are looking for as many volunteers as we can get to help with the construction. Because volunteers will be assisting small groups of students, we are asking that NO younger siblings be taken along. Thank you for understanding.

         If you are willing and able to help with construction, please let me know via email, note, or text so that I can plan on your help.

Christmas Giving Opportunity:
We have a student in our class that had a scary start to his life. Christian Harned was born with a heart defect and the family spent many days in the hospital. Yet, God had a plan for Christian and he is a healthy and active 3rd grader now.  The experience affected them in more ways than their son’s now happily beating heart, and about six years ago the Harned’s decided to give back. Share Your Heart for the Holidays was named after the Harned’s experiences. It was created to help families with children in the heart ward of the University of Michigan hospital who will be admitted during Christmas. They are dedicated to giving those families the best holiday they can. 
This year, our class is going to partner with a young family walking a similar path. We will raise money to buy a couple presents for the children in the family and write notes of encouragement for the parents. There are some details to be planned out still, so please stayed tune for an upcoming email with more specific information.

Please check out their website for their whole story.

Mon. Dec. 4: Reading Minutes Due
Thurs. Dec. 7: Library books Due
Fri. Dec. 8: Spelling test, Math homework Due
Dec 13: Gingerbread Houses (More information to come)
Dec. 14: Christmas Giving Opp. Due (MORE DETAILS TO COME)
Dec 23-January 7: Christmas break

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