Friday, December 8, 2017

December 8, 2017
Be still and know that He is God!
Tis the season of giving, driving, spending, shopping, giving, and driving! Thank you for your extra support this Christmas season. Whether your family provided items for the gingerbread houses or gifts for the family we are supporting, both Jodi and I appreciate all your extra help. Please let me know if you have any questions or need clarification on dates and details:).

Ms. Snoeyink, can you get the pine branch out?
Thurs. Dec. 14: Library books Due
Here is what came home in folders:
Gingerbread Houses:
Mon. Dec. 11: Gingerbread Making Supplies DUE
                       Reading Minutes Due
Tues. Dec. 12: Gifts and cash DUE for our Christmas Giving Opportunity
Wed. Dec 13: Gingerbread Houses, 1-3:00
Fri. Dec. 15: Spelling test
                    Math homework Due
Wed. Dec. 20: Christmas Party, 12:45-2:15
Fri. Dec. 22: All-school Christmas chapel, 2:30-3:00
Dec 23-January 7: Christmas Break

- Making Gingerbread Houses (Wednesday, 12/13 from 1-3)
- Christmas Party (Wednesday, 12/20 from 12:45-2:15)

- Park Rec. Activities flier
- "Pizza Hut Reading Incentive" Free Pizza Slip
- Work from the week

Christmas Party:
We will have our Christmas Party on Wednesday, Dec. 20th from 12:45-2:15. We will NOT be trading presents, but instead playing games and doing some activities. I am looking for 3 parent/grandparent helpers to lead a station for 5 students. I have the games and activities prepared, and just need a helper to lead the station. If you are available to help, please email me and let me know. THANK YOU!

On Wednesday afternoon, December 13, from 1:00 to 3:00, the 3rd graders will be putting together gingerbread houses. If you are willing and able to help with construction, please let me know via email, note, or text so that I can plan on your help. Because volunteers will be assisting small groups of students, we are asking that NO younger siblings be taken along. Thank you for understanding.

Please send in your donated items by MONDAY MORNING, Dec. 11th! 

Christmas Giving Opportunity:
We have a student in our class that had a scary start to his life. Christian Harned was born with a heart defect and the family spent many days in the hospital. Yet, God had a plan for Christian and now he is a healthy and active 3rd grader. Share your Heart for the Holidays was named after the Harned's experiences. It was created to help families with children in the Heart Ward of the University of Michigan's Hospital, who will be or are admitted during the Christmas season. They are dedicated to giving those families love and comfort as they walk this lonely, long road. 
This year, our class is going to partner with a young family from Kalamazoo. We have the opportunity to raise money and/or purchase presents for the family and write notes of encouragement for the parents. 

Here is where I need your family's help!
A.  Donate $10 towards a gift for the children or gift card for the parents. (Cash or check written to Ms. Snoeyink. Then Jodi and I will go out and buy the remaining gifts.)

B.  Sign up to purchase specific gifts, requested by the family.

Whether it is doing extra jobs around the house, giving money from their piggy bank, or donating a personal present for someone else, I pray that this experience will be impactful and meaning for your child! A moment to practice what it looks like and feels like to be the hands and feet of Jesus.

Please check out their website for their whole story.

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