Friday, December 15, 2023

Dec. 15


Jingle all the way to Friday, Dec. 22!

Lost and Found - Take a peek! Everything will be donated over Christmas Break.

Updated Forms: On Monday, I placed some forms in your child's homework folder. The office is checking and updating student files in the office. There are a few files that are missing specific forms. Please make sure those forms are signed and sent back to the office! If you have any questions, please call the office (Katie VanFaasen or Suzanne VanderZee).

A Note from Maestra Vanden Berg: Parents, in Spanish class we have been learning about a New Year's Eve tradition in Spain of eating 12 green grapes at midnight to welcome in the new year. We are going to do our own countdown (and chow-down!) next week Wednesday. Students are invited to bring a baggie of 12 grapes (or blueberries or raspberries if grapes aren't a favorite) to Spanish class that day. 12 delicious golden raisins will be provided for anyone who does not choose to bring a baggie of fruit. Muchas gracias! -- Maestra Vanden Berg 

Tech Devices at School: As we’re entering gift-giving season, we’ve been noticing a few children showing off smart watches and devices that have connectivity outside of school. Your child’s safety and mental wellness is our priority. To that end, children are not permitted to bring devices that have connectivity outside of school. This policy is meant for your child’s well-being as well as that of classmates. Please note this policy that holds preschool through 12th grade at Holland Christian. Thank you for your mindfulness and partnership:

Personal Technology: Personal Technology is not necessary in a school setting and disrupts the learning environment. Personal Technology includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Cell Phones

  • Smartwatches

  • Headphones or Earbuds

  • Personal Laptops

  • MP3-Players

  • Etc. (i.e. Any non-school issued personal technology)

If parents need to communicate with their student, they can send their student an email or call the office and get a note from the office.  Personal Technology items are not allowed to be used or visible during the time a student enters school until the final bell rings. If a student needs to use their phone, they must receive direct permission from a staff person to do so. 

Shoes for PE: As we enter the winter months and many of your kids are wearing boots to school, please remember to have tennis shoes in their locker or backpack for their PE days!

Hearing and Vision Screenings - coming in January! 
    • Hearing screening January 11 for grades K, 2, and 4

    • Vision screening January 12 for grades 1, 3, and 5

    • Parents can opt out if desired, but you need to submit the following in writing: name of student, date of screening, which screening opting out of, and parent signature. 

    • *Children with shunts or medically implanted devices cannot do the hearing screening.

Friday, December 8, 2023

Dec. 8

A Glimpse of the Concert!

Christmas Party - We have a wonderful group of parents planning, preparing, and leading a Christmas party for our class on Friday.  This party will include games, crafts, and snacks.  I will have a gift for each student, and we will be gifting each other with Compliment Presents.  No need to purchase an additional gift for a gift exchange - our kind words to each other are an invaluable gift!

Music Note from Mrs. Boer - Next week (December 12-14), we will be holding a Musical Show & Tell in music class. This means that your child can play a song on an instrument they bring to school or bring something to class that makes music (i.e. music box, stuffed animal, book, etc.). If your child takes piano lessons they may play the piano in the room. We will celebrate the Messiah with joyful sounds!

Shoes for PE: As we enter the winter months and many of your kids are wearing boots to school, please remember to have tennis shoes in their locker or backpack for their PE days!

Maroon and White Shop at Rose Park: Save the dates for December 13 + 14 - The Maroon and White Shop will be present Wednesday (at pick-up), and Thursday morning. If you desire to grab any HC gear for presents this year, make  a note to stop by!

Hearing and Vision Screenings - coming in January! 
    • Hearing screening January 11 for grades K, 2, and 4

    • Vision screening January 12 for grades 1, 3, and 5

    • Parents can opt out if desired, but you need to submit the following in writing: name of student, date of screening, which screening opting out of, and parent signature. 

    • *Children with shunts or medically implanted devices cannot do the hearing screening.

Tech Devices at School: As we’re entering gift-giving season, we’ve been noticing a few children showing off smart watches and devices that have connectivity outside of school. Your child’s safety and mental wellness is our priority. To that end, children are not permitted to bring devices that have connectivity outside of school. This policy is meant for your child’s well-being as well as that of classmates Thank you for your mindfulness and partnership!  Please note this policy that holds preschool through 12th grade at Holland Christian: 
Personal Technology: Personal Technology is not necessary in a school setting and disrupts the learning environment. Personal Technology includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Cell Phones

  • Smartwatches

  • Headphones or Earbuds

  • Personal Laptops

  • MP3-Players

  • Etc. (i.e. Any non-school issued personal technology)

If parents need to communicate with their student, they can send their student an email or call the office and get a note from the office.  Personal Technology items are not allowed to be used or visible during the time a student enters school until the final bell rings. If a student needs to use their phone, they must receive direct permission from a staff person to do so.  

Friday, December 1, 2023

Dec. 1

What are we learning?
Bible -  We have finished out unit on David and Saul and will have a test on Friday.
Math - We have finished up our lessons on this multiplication unit and will have a test on Friday. Look for a review sheet in their mailbox on Thursday.
Reading -  We have begun our Informational Reading. We are learning about text features and paying attention to the structure of the chapters.
Writing - We are learning how to research evidence for our essays.
Science - Students are currently learning about the layers of rocks and fossils with Mrs. VanderZwaag.

FROM MRS. VANDERZWAAG:  Your children may excitedly have told you about our science studies of layers of rock and the fossils that can be found in them.  We used the Pictured Rocks to base much of our inquiry on.  As we dig into this exploration, we encounter views about the age of the earth (you may notice that on some worksheets that come home).  While HC does not have an official “stance” on the age of the earth, per se, our approach to both science and the Bible is rooted in the Reformed conviction that God makes Himself known through His Word and His World.  These two major forms of revelation will never truly conflict, though they also have largely different scopes.  Out of respect for these different scopes, we are comfortable engaging God’s World through the process of making observations, collecting data, and building models (the processes of science). Our science curriculum engages general data that largely reflects significant process in the formation of the earth (though that doesn't necessarily exclude literal 6 day perspectives--ex: the idea that God created the world with the appearance of age, etc.).  In our classroom, I make sure to preface our studies by alluding to the varying viewpoints that exist regarding this topic.  I humbly acknowledge to the students that my human brain cannot understand God's processes and design.  But I do know that God created this world, the layers of rock, and the fossils in them according to His perfect plan.  Beyond that, I am grateful that our families are part of the church - home - school triangle.  Each family may wish to continue this conversation at home, in conjunction with the views taught at their church.  As our children grow, they will encounter data about the age of the earth in society (museums, books, documentaries), and they will need to be able to place that information into their beliefs.  While we, as Christians, are not of this world, we do live in this world and continue to develop our understandings of how these viewpoints meet.  

Our faith is integrated into everything we do. Our faith impacts how we do science by rooting all our scientific endeavors in the reality of our Creator God. When done this way, all genuine scientific observations and discoveries can lead us into deeper wonder, wisdom, and worship.  Our Creator God is written all over our earth.  He was there in the past, exists in the present, and also knows what will happen in the future.
Thank you for continuing this conversation with your children at home.

ORCHESTRA CHAPEL - I hear we will be treated to a special band/orchestra concert at Rose Park this coming week on Friday morning at 8:30.  I hope to see you there!

 Friday, Dec. 15. from 12:30-1:30, the Child's Advocacy Center will be sending a presenter over to talk to our class about the "rights" they have to keep themself safe. On Monday, a note will go home outlining their program. I fully support everything they teach. Nothing is inappropriate, nothing is controversial. They are simply teaching the kids how to keep themselves safe and who their safe adults are.  There is no video content in the presentations they do at Rose Park.  You are welcome to sit in the back of the room and listen in while they are here, if you desire.  Please connect with me if you desire to do that.

"Ms. Snoeyink said we could bring in Christmas stuff!" - In preparation for the Christmas season, the students and I thought it would be fun to each bring in a Christmas decoration from home. This item could be an ornament, lights, a little tree, a snowman sticker...whatever is "extra" at home and will not be missed. I told them they were not allowed to beg about buying something new. It can gladly be something extra from home :)

Classroom Christmas Party - We will have our Christmas Party on Thursday, Dec. 21st from 1:30-3:00 (with a 15min break for recess). We will NOT be trading presents, but instead playing games and doing some activities. 

Here are my two options....
Choice 1 - I am looking for 2 more parent/grandparent helpers to lead a station for 5 students. I have the games and activities prepared, and just need a helper to lead the station. 
Choice 2 - Some creative parents (2 more parent/grandparent helpers) help create and design a station/activity for us to do!
If you are available to help and/or plan, please email me and let me know.

Maroon and White Shop at Rose Park: Save the dates for December 13 + 14 - The Maroon and White Shop will be present Wednesday (at pick-up), and Thursday morning. If you desire to grab any HC gear for presents this year, make  a note to stop by!

Kindergarten Cookie Sale - Will be this Wednesday, December 6th! See the flyer below for more details:

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Nov. 21

What are we learning?
Bible -  We have begun our journey through 1 Samuel. We have met David and learning about God works in David and Saul's life.
Math - We are working on 2-digit x 2-digit multiplication. We will learn 5 different solving methods and land on the short-cut method (old fashion method). We are just practicing, practicing, and practicing.
Reading -  We will begin out Informational Reading Unit after Thanksgiving.
Writing - We have picked a strong claim for our persuasive essay unit and will begin to research evidence for our essays.
Science - Students are currently learning about animal adaptations and plant life with Ms. Damsteegt.

"Ms. Snoeyink said we could bring in Christmas stuff!" - In preparation for the Christmas season, the students and I thought it would be fun to each bring in a Christmas decoration from home. This item could be an ornament, lights, a little tree, a snowman sticker...whatever is "extra" at home and will not be missed. I told them they were not allowed to beg about buying something new. It can gladly be something extra from home :)

Classroom Christmas Party - We will have our Christmas Party on Thursday, Dec. 21st from 1:30-3:00 (with a 15min break for recess). We will NOT be trading presents, but instead playing games and doing some activities. 

Here are my two options....
Choice 1 - I am looking for 2 more parent/grandparent helpers to lead a station for 5 students. I have the games and activities prepared, and just need a helper to lead the station. 
Choice 2 - Some creative parents (2 more parent/grandparent helpers) help create and design three stations/activities for us to do!

If you are available to help and/or plan, please email me and let me know.

Live Nativity - We are creating some ornaments for sheep themed Christmas tree that will be showcased at the Live Nativity. If you have the chance, please visit the Live Nativity to see these hand-crafted ornaments.

Student Absences and Illness: Parents, if your student is absent for any reason, please make sure to contact the office at naming also the reason for their absence. If your child is sick please inform us in the email or phone call if the symptoms are cold/flu or stomach. That is helpful information as we try to avoid spread within classrooms! As we’re entering cold/flu season, a gentle reminder that we require a 24-hour fever/puke-free window to ensure your child is healthy and ready to re-engage in learning! 

Mocha & Merch Open House: Mark your calendars for Wednesday, November 29 from 4:00pm - 8:00pm. You are invited to The Maroon and White Shop’s Second annual Mocha and Merch Christmas Open House!  Come browse our new store at HCHS while enjoying the provided refreshments, listening to Christmas music and start your Christmas shopping!  We will have the latest HC gear available, and the first 15 people to make a purchase will receive a complimentary gift!  Each item bought directly supports the Special Olympics Unified Sports program at the high school.  It’s an event you won’t want to miss!

For 3rd-5th grade teachers: Kinder Dutch Dance registration is now open! All 3rd-5th grade students are invited to join us. See the attached flyer for more information, then head to to sign up your child! Practice is held on Wednesdays in the gym during lunch recess starting February 21st. Email with questions regarding practice, performances and costumes. Looking forward to growing our group for the 95th Tulip Time Festival! Flyer is attached HERE

Lost and found table: We have a lost and found table near the office, and it’s overflowing with items. If your students are missing something have them check the lost and found or feel free to stop in to check as well! 

Paperwork Updates: As the office works to make sure all of our files are up to date, you may notice forms coming home in your students backpack in the next few weeks. If you notice these forms in your child's backpack please return them to school as soon as you are able.

Testing our theories in science.

We worked with our buddies and created traps for our Oreo turkeys.

Last week, we went for a gratefulness walk around school.
As we walked, we wrote down all the things we are grateful for.

We had a beautiful Friendship Feast with our Kindergarten buddies.

Fort making was a success! Thank you for washing those dirt filled clothes on Monday. We had an amazing time created and building in the Koster's woods.

Friday, November 17, 2023

What are we learning?
Bible -  We have begun our journey through 1 Samuel. We have met David and learning about God works in David and Saul's life.
Math - We are working on 2-digit x 2-digit multiplication. We will learn 5 different solving methods and land on the short-cut method (old fashion method). We are just practicing, practicing, and practicing.
Reading -  We will begin out Informational Reading Unit after Thanksgiving.
Writing - We have picked a strong claim for our persuasive essay unit and will begin to research evidence for our essays.
Science - Students are currently learning about animal adaptations and plant life with Ms. Damsteegt. 

Upcoming Days Off - No school on Wednesday, Nov. 22 - Friday, Nov. 24. We will only have school on Monday and Tuesday next week.  We will not have homework next week.

Monday - Friendship Feast AND we are headed to the Koster's house to build forts and play in the woods. Please dress accordingly.
Tuesday - Stuffed animal/pillow AND a blanket for our viewing of The Tiger Rising. 

Student Absences and Illness: Parents, if your student is absent for any reason, please make sure to contact the office at naming also the reason for their absence. If your child is sick please inform us in the email or phone call if the symptoms are cold/flu or stomach. That is helpful information as we try to avoid spread within classrooms! As we’re entering cold/flu season, a gentle reminder that we require a 24-hour fever/puke-free window to ensure your child is healthy and ready to re-engage in learning! 

Mocha & Merch Open House: Mark your calendars for Wednesday, November 29 from 4:00pm - 8:00pm. You are invited to The Maroon and White Shop’s Second annual Mocha and Merch Christmas Open House!  Come browse our new store at HCHS while enjoying the provided refreshments, listening to Christmas music and start your Christmas shopping!  We will have the latest HC gear available, and the first 15 people to make a purchase will receive a complimentary gift!  Each item bought directly supports the Special Olympics Unified Sports program at the high school.  It’s an event you won’t want to miss!

For 3rd-5th grade teachers: Kinder Dutch Dance registration is now open! All 3rd-5th grade students are invited to join us. See the attached flyer for more information, then head to to sign up your child! Practice is held on Wednesdays in the gym during lunch recess starting February 21st. Email with questions regarding practice, performances and costumes. Looking forward to growing our group for the 95th Tulip Time Festival! Flyer is attached HERE

Lost and found table: We have a lost and found table near the office, and it’s overflowing with items. If your students are missing something have them check the lost and found or feel free to stop in to check as well! 

Paperwork Updates: As the office works to make sure all of our files are up to date, you may notice forms coming home in your students backpack in the next few weeks. If you notice these forms in your child's backpack please return them to school as soon as you are able.