Thursday, September 26, 2019


We are a LIVING TESTIMONY for Him!

As for our week, our daily schedule is set and we are digging into our multiple units.

Science: Learning about organism with Mrs. VanderZwaag
Reading: Choosing books with strong characters and analyzing those characters' emotions and actions
Writing: Editing our personal narratives
Math: Recognizing the place value patterns in multiplication (4x5, 4x50, 4x500, 4x5,000)
Bible: Finishing up our unit about Ruth, her decisions, and the connections to Jesus' life on earth

What came home today:

- Grandparent's Day Information Flier
- Little Maroons Basketball Flier
- Park Township Recreation Flier
- Misc. work from the week

Homework Folders:

On Monday, the students will need to bring their Homework folders back to school. At the end of the day, the folders will include... 

- Spelling Words - Practice sorting the words throughout the week. Test on Friday
- Math Homework - In 2 minutes, accomplish as many facts as you can (Due Mon.)
- Math Facts Minutes - Goal to accomplish 50 minutes, using the math links on the blog or playing math fact war (Due Mon.)
- Reading Minutes - Goal to read 150 minutes (Due Mon.)

On Tuesday, your child came home with a THINK! ENERGY Take Action Kit.  This kit will ask you and your child to work on some energy related changes in your home.  There is a Student Guide included in the kit that will walk you through everything you can do with your kit.  Additionally, there was a white Home Energy Worksheet.  That worksheet is homework and will be due back to school by Tuesday, October 8.  (I do not need the Family Activity Guide book back.)  That gives you a couple weeks to read through and work through the guide and complete the experiments and installations provided.  Please note, if you are not interested in installing everything in the kit, you do not have to!  The white home energy sheet simply asks if you installed the products or not.  We still get credit toward the grant for the rest of the work you do, even if you do not install everything.

Lunch Helpers:
I am in need of some lunch helpers on Wednesday. Please use this link to sign up. I appreciate your volunteering SO MUCH!

Grandparents Day (Oct. 3):

We are busy planning and preparing a very special celebration for your parents on Grandparents/friends Day! Our celebration will be held on Thursday, October 3 from 9:30-11:15 (9:30-Program, 10:15-11:15-Visit classrooms). Today, an official invitation was sent home containing more details about the morning! We have a bit more practice to do to polish up our program but we think this is going to be such a special time celebrating intergenerational love and God's providence!

If you are willing and able, we could use help with an array of snacks at our grandparent aide station. Your parents are going to be kept BUSY during our open house style classroom/grandchild visits. They will be jetting from classroom to classroom and may need a cup of coffee and cookie to keep up the energy. If you are willing to provide a treat, here is a Sign Up Genius to take a peek at. As always, we appreciate your support and can't wait to welcome your parents to glimpse the joy and life at Rose Park. 

Parent/Teacher Conferences Date Update:
Parent/teacher conferences will be held from 4:00-8:00 on October 21 and 22. Sign up notification will be forthcoming. October 23 is a half-day of school. We will NOT hold parent/teacher conferences on the 23rd.

Important Dates: 
Sept. 30 (Mon): Math Homework Due
                       Math Minutes Due
                       Reading Minutes Due
                       Return Homework Folders
Oct. 1 (Tues): Library Books DueOct. 3 (Thurs): GRANDPARENTS DAY (9:30-11:15am)                     
Oct. 4 (Fri)Spelling Test
Oct. 8 (Tues): THINK Energy Worksheet Due
Oct. 21 (Mon) & 22 (Tues): Parent-Teacher Conference (4-8pm)
Oct. 23 (Wed): 1/2 day of school
Oct. 24 & 25 (Thurs & Fri): NO SCHOOL

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

TUESDAY, Sept. 24

Today we were treated to the THINK! ENERGY program sponsored by the National Energy Foundation.  For this program, we had two speakers come to our classroom and teach us about energy, sharing information about:
  • What energy is
  • Where energy comes from 
  • How we produce energy
  • How we use energy
  • How to become more energy efficient through giving our homes efficiency makeovers
As Creation Keepers of God's world, that last bullet point is crucial to fulfilling our cultural mandate here on earth.  To that end, your child is bringing home a THINK! ENERGY Take Action Kit today.  This kit will ask you and your child to work on some energy related changes in your home.  There is a Student Guide included in the kit that will walk you through everything you can do with your kit.  Additionally, there is a white Home Energy Worksheet coming home today.  That worksheet is homework and will be due back to school by Tuesday, October 8.  (I do not need the Family Activity Guide book back.)  That gives you a couple weeks to read through and work through the guide and complete the experiments and installations provided.  Please note, if you are not interested in installing everything in the kit, you do not have to!  The white home energy sheet simply asks if you installed the products or not.  We still get credit toward the grant for the rest of the work you do, even if you do not install everything.

In your kit you will find:
  • an energy efficient shower head (complete the flow test experiment - bag is included - before and after installation)
  • a kitchen faucet aerator (complete the flow test experiment - bag is included - before and after installation)
  • bathroom faucet aerators (complete the flow test experiment - bag is included - before and after installation)
  • plumber's tape to help with installation
  • a shower timer to put on the wall in your shower - an efficient shower is no longer than 5 minutes
  • a small scratch and sniff sticker to help you learn to identify the scent of natural gas (natural gas has no smell so an odorant called mercaptan is added as a safety feature so you can smell it and GET OUT of the house before there is an explosion)
  • "Turn it off" stickers to place on the switches of the lights that are most frequently left on in your home
  • two 60W LED lightbulb
  • a night light
If you are nervous about knowing how to do all this, there are instructions included for most of the items (either on the packaging or in the student guide).  There is also a website where you can view how-to videos:

I was SO impressed by the presentation this week - it was informative, entertaining, and engaging (we acted out the creation of electricity from gas, we created complete circuits with our bodies, and we took kinetic energy brain breaks as we learned new terms and vocab throughout the presentation).

We learned SO much about Energy and our role as stewards of our resources.  Coming in the spring of 4th grade, we will complete a science unit on this same topic, and will be able to refer back to what we learned through this presentation this week and the changes you will be making in your home.  This Take Action Kit is WAY more valuable than any paper homework I could ever assign while doing the unit this coming spring.  Plus, returning the completed Home Energy Worksheet will earn your child a THINK! ENERGY color changing pencil.

One added benefit of this assignment - if we get 100% participation, our class will be awarded a $100 grant to be used for educational purposes in our classroom.  What a treat!  The kids are already telling me what we should buy with our money!

I grabbed my camera partway through the presentation in order to capture some of the learning.  Early on, they used students to model the process of producing energy.

 The following photos show the students making a complete circuit by allowing the electricity to flow through their bodies in a circle and turning on the "energy stick" that is held between two students' hands.  If there was a break in the circle, the electricity couldn't flow.  Next they added a piece of aluminum foil (a conductor) to the circle to see if the "energy stick" would still turn on.  And finally they added a piece of paper (an insulator) to the circle to see if the "energy stick" would turn on.

Again, THANK YOU in advance, for taking on this energy challenge in your home.  Once your child returns the completed Home Energy Worksheet, we will send in to the company to claim our grant.  But the lasting impact of this assignment is much more valuable - learning to care for and preserve the resources God has given us!  We are being Creation Keepers!

Friday, September 20, 2019

FRIDAY, September 20
Celebrating Mexico's Independence Day

As for our week, our daily schedule is set and we are digging into our multiple units.
Science: Learning about organism with Mrs. VanderZwaag
Reading: We are practice specific skills that help us become stronger readers. 
Writing: We are beginning to edit our personal narratives. 
Math: Wrapped up our first math unit!
Bible: Learning about Ruth, her decisions, and the connections to Jesus' life on earth

Reading with our kindergarten buddies

What came home today:
- Park Township Recreation Flier
- Misc. work from the week

Homework Folders:

On Monday, the students will need to bring their Homework folders back to school. At the end of the day, the folders will include... 
- Spelling Words - Practice sorting the words throughout the week. Test on Friday
- Math Homework - In 2 minutes, accomplish as many facts as you can (Due Mon.)
- Math Facts Minutes - Goal to accomplish 50 minutes, using the math links on the blog or playing math fact war (Due Mon.)
- Reading Minutes - Goal to read 150 minutes (Due Mon.)

We have been selected to be part of a program called THINK! ENERGY on Tuesday, Sept. 24.  We will learn about preserving resources related to energy production in our community and homes.  As a part of this program, our class will be awarded a $100 grant if we have 100% of our students participate with the at-home portion.  For this, your child will receive a kit with energy saving devices that you can use in your home (it's got some pretty useful items in it - and it's free to you!).  There is a page of questions that go with it which your child will have to answer and return in order for our class to get credit.  Yesterday, I sent home a yellow consent form for you to peruse that allows your child to participate in this program.  You do have the option to opt out, but I really think you'll want your child to experience this.  Sign and return the form by Monday the 16th only if you do NOT want your child to participate.  If I do not receive a form from you, I will administer a kit to your child and I will look for the questionnaire to be returned from them at a later date.  Thank you!

Lunch Helpers:
I am in need of some lunch helpers on Wednesday. Please use this link to sign up. I appreciate your volunteering SO MUCH!

Grandparents Day (Oct. 3):
Our Rose Park community would like to celebrate ALL of our children and ALL of our families/friends, preschool through sixth grade. We would like to invite our preschool grandparents/friends to celebrate and participate with our entire Rose Park community this upcoming Grandparents/friends Day. This is a new format for us and we're excited about the program with children, preschool through sixth grade worshipping and singing together. Your child's grandparents/friends are invited to our program on October 3 for the program in the gym at 9:30. Following the program, children will host their grandparents/friends in classrooms in an open house format from 10:15-11:15. During this time, children will be prepared to lead their grandparent/friend through activities for as long as they are able to stay. We hope this format accommodates both grandparents who have multiple children to visit by popping in for a bit as well as grandparents/friends who have one child to visit with. More details will be forthcoming as the date approaches.

Parent/Teacher Conferences Date Update:
Parent/teacher conferences will be held from 4:00-8:00 on October 21 and 22. Sign up notification will be forthcoming. October 23 is a half-day of school. We will NOT hold parent/teacher conferences on the 23rd.

Important Dates: 
Sept. 23 (Mon): Math Homework Due
                       Math Minutes Due
                       Reading Minutes Due
                       Return Homework Folders
Sept. 24 (Tues): Library Books Due
                          THINK Energy Program (Special activity at school)
Sept. 25 (Wed): Walk-a-Thon (Afternoon event @ HS Turf)
Sept. 26 (Thurs)Spelling Test
Sept. 27 (Fri): NO SCHOOL
Oct. 3 (Thurs): GRANDPARENTS DAY (9:30-11:15am)
Oct. 21 & 22: Parent-Teacher Conference (4-8pm)
Oct. 23: 1/2 day of school
Oct. 24 & 25: NO SCHOOL

Friday, September 13, 2019

FRIDAY, September 13

This week, we were introduced to our Kindergarten buddies. Loved watching the 4th graders become role models.

As for our week, our daily schedule is set and we are digging into our multiple units.
Science: Finished our "View from Earth" Unit
Reading: We are practice specific skills that help us become stronger readers. 
Writing: We are revising our rough draft and adding more details. 
Math: Reviewing multi-digit addition and subtraction, rounding, and double checking out work.
Bible: Learning about Ruth, her decisions, and the connections to Jesus' life on earth

On Thursday, we listened to a quintet from the GR Symphony.

What came home today:

- Filer about the High School Fall Play 3rd grade Tryouts! (yellow/orange paper)
- Flier about our upcoming "THINK Energy" classroom visit (yellow paper)
- Misc. work from the week

Homework Folders:

On Monday, the students will need to bring their Homework folders back to school. At the end of the day, the folders will include... 
- Spelling Words - Practice sorting the words throughout the week. Test on Friday
- Math Homework - In 2 minutes, accomplish as many facts as you can (Due Mon.)
- Math Facts Minutes - Goal to accomplish 50 minutes, using the math links on the blog or playing math fact war (Due Mon.)
- Reading Minutes - Goal to read 150 minutes (Due Mon.)

We have been selected to be part of a program called THINK! ENERGY on Tuesday, Sept. 24.  We will learn about preserving resources related to energy production in our community and homes.  As a part of this program, our class will be awarded a $100 grant if we have 100% of our students participate with the at-home portion.  For this, your child will receive a kit with energy saving devices that you can use in your home (it's got some pretty useful items in it - and it's free to you!).  There is a page of questions that go with it which your child will have to answer and return in order for our class to get credit.  Yesterday, I sent home a yellow consent form for you to peruse that allows your child to participate in this program.  You do have the option to opt out, but I really think you'll want your child to experience this.  Sign and return the form by Monday the 16th only if you do NOT want your child to participate.  If I do not receive a form from you, I will administer a kit to your child and I will look for the questionnaire to be returned from them at a later date.  Thank you!

Lunch Helpers:
Many of you had an interest in helping during our Wednesday lunch time. Please use this link to sign up. I appreciate your volunteering SO MUCH!

Yearbook Forms were sent home last week Friday. These forms can be filled in online or in person and sent to school on Thursday, Sept. 19. Note: This form also has a spot to pay for a yearbook.
Note the location for the yearbook payment
Grandparents Day (Oct. 3):
Our Rose Park community would like to celebrate ALL of our children and ALL of our families/friends, preschool through sixth grade. We would like to invite our preschool grandparents/friends to celebrate and participate with our entire Rose Park community this upcoming Grandparents/friends Day. This is a new format for us and we're excited about the program with children, preschool through sixth grade worshipping and singing together. Your child's grandparents/friends are invited to our program on October 3 for the program in the gym at 9:30. Following the program, children will host their grandparents/friends in classrooms in an open house format from 10:15-11:15. During this time, children will be prepared to lead their grandparent/friend through activities for as long as they are able to stay. We hope this format accommodates both grandparents who have multiple children to visit by popping in for a bit as well as grandparents/friends who have one child to visit with. More details will be forthcoming as the date approaches.

Parent/Teacher Conferences Date Update:
Parent/teacher conferences will be held from 4:00-8:00 on October 21 and 22. Sign up notification will be forthcoming. October 23 is a half-day of school. We will NOT hold parent/teacher conferences on the 23rd.

Volunteer Background Check - To ensure the safety of our students at all times and in all places at Rose Park we ask that all adults be granted clearance prior to having access to students. Anyone who desires to assist students, chaperone a field trip or supervise in a classroom at Rose Park must stop in the school office and fill out a short background check form.  Mrs. Steenwyk and Mrs. Chase have that form for you. Please also have your driver's license as they will need to make a copy of it.  Mrs. Rynsburger is happy to answer any questions you have about the process or results. All results remain confidential. Thank you!

Important Dates: 
Sept. 16 (Mon): Math Homework Due
                       Math Minutes Due
                       Reading Minutes Due
                       Return Homework Folders
                       Walkathon Packets Due
Sept. 17 (Tues): Library Books Due
Sept. 19 (Thurs)School Pictures - We are before morning recess. Their outfit and hair will make it!
Sept. 20 (Fri): Spelling Test
DeGraaf Nature Center Field Trip
Sept. 25 (Wed): Walk-a-Thon (Afternoon event @ HS Turf)
Sept. 27 (Fri): NO SCHOOL
Oct. 3 (Thurs): GRANDPARENTS DAY (9:30-11:15am)

Friday, September 6, 2019

FRIDAY, September 6
Chapel with Mrs. Rynsburger
As for our week, our daily schedule is set and we are digging into our multiple units.
Science: We are learning about fossils and the earth's layers.
Reading: We are practice specific skills that help us become stronger readers. 
Writing: We have selected our personal narrative stories and have begun our rough draft. 
Math: Reviewing strategies and practicing multi-digit addition and subtraction 
Bible: Learning about specific three specific judges that God sent to speak to His people; Samson, Ehud, and Deborah

We ran out of time to do our planner...Here is what it should say.

What came home today:
- Math Fact Apps and Websites to visit (blue paper)
- Scholastic Book Order (Pink paper)
- School Picture Form 
- TTQ (Boys running club) Flier (Yellow paper)
- Misc. work from the week

Homework Folders:
On Monday, the students will need to bring their Homework folders back to school. At the end of the day, the folders will include... 
- Spelling Words - Practice sorting the words throughout the week. Test on Friday
- Math Homework - In 2 minutes, accomplish as many facts as you can (Due Mon.)
- Math Facts Minutes - Goal to accomplish 50 minutes, using the math links on the blog or playing math fact war (Due Mon.)
- Reading Minutes - Goal to read 150 minutes (Due Mon.)

Lunch Helpers:
Many of you had an interest in helping during our Wednesday lunch time. Please use this link to sign up. I appreciate your volunteering SO MUCH!

Yearbook Forms were sent home today. These form can be filled in online or in person. The forms need to come to school on the 18th of September for picture day. Note: This form also has a spot to pay for a yearbook.

Note the location for the yearbook payment

Grandparents Day:
Our Rose Park community would like to celebrate ALL of our children and ALL of our families/friends, preschool through sixth grade. We would like to invite our preschool grandparents/friends to celebrate and participate with our entire Rose Park community this upcoming Grandparents/friends Day. This is a new format for us and we're excited about the program with children, preschool through sixth grade worshipping and singing together. Your child's grandparents/friends are invited to our program on October 3 for the program in the gym at 9:30. Following the program, children will host their grandparents/friends in classrooms in an open house format from 10:15-11:15. During this time, children will be prepared to lead their grandparent/friend through activities for as long as they are able to stay. We hope this format accommodates both grandparents who have multiple children to visit by popping in for a bit as well as grandparents/friends who have one child to visit with. More details will be forthcoming as the date approaches.

Parent/Teacher Conferences Date Update:
Parent/teacher conferences will be held from 4:00-8:00 on October 21 and 22. Sign up notification will be forthcoming. October 23 is a half-day of school. We will NOT hold parent/teacher conferences on the 23rd.

Volunteer Background Check - To ensure the safety of our students at all times and in all places at Rose Park we ask that all adults be granted clearance prior to having access to students. Anyone who desires to assist students, chaperone a field trip or supervise in a classroom at Rose Park must stop in the school office and fill out a short background check form.  Mrs. Steenwyk and Mrs. Chase have that form for you. Please also have your driver's license as they will need to make a copy of it.  Mrs. Rynsburger is happy to answer any questions you have about the process or results. All results remain confidential. Thank you!

Homecoming 2019 Family Event 
We love seeing as many of you possible back here on campus for our annual Homecoming Event, this year on Friday, September 13. It’s an all-ages community event, from high school students, elementary and preschool kids, young parents and grandparents, all gathering together to share a meal together, enjoy each others’ company, and then cheering the football team on. Just like before, the picnic dinner and children’s activities, including bouncy houses, lawn games and crafts, start at 5 pm, then the varsity football game against Unity Christian begins at 7 pm. Can't get enough of the HC love? Tickets also include admission to the Varsity Volleyball game vs. Unity at 4:30. The cost is $8 per person in advance, including both dinner and game, and tickets are available online at, or at the HCS administration office. Or it’s $10 per person  on the day of the event. Note: Preschool & kindergarten families, look for an email from our Preschool Director on how you can join us for free as our way to welcome you to the HC community!

Important Dates: 
Sept. 9 (Mon): Math Homework Due
                       Math Minutes Due
                       Reading Minutes Due
                       Return Homework Folders
Sept. 10 (Tues): Library Books Due
Sept. 13 (Fri): Spelling Test
                       HC Homecoming @ High School
Sept. 16 (Mon): Walkathon Packets Due
Sept. 18 & 19School Picture Days (MORE DETAILS TO COME)
Sept. 20 (Fri): DeGraaf Nature Center Field Trip -
Sept. 25 (Wed): Walk-a-Thon (Afternoon event @ HS Turf)
Sept. 27 (Fri): NO SCHOOL