Monday, February 28, 2022

Feb. 28

Look at these Wacky Fans!

On Wednesday morning, we had an opportunity to visit Hand2Hand in Jenison. This organization gathers food and meal for child in our West Michigan community. They feed over 8,000 children in West Michigan.

We had a chance to walk through their storage/distribution room. We heard how the food is donated and/or purchased at a low cost. Then a draw string bag is packed for each child. In each bag is three suppers, several snacks, and two breakfasts.
We had the opportunity as a class to pray over these bags and the impact these small bags can have on the children receiving them.


We also wrote notes of encouragement. These notes will be placed in the bags.

We also had a chance to play a guessing game. The students had to figure out 6 mystery food objects that were placed in brown bags. Their job was to figure out the snack in each bag.

Hand2Hand Ministries are truly being the "hands and feet" of Jesus. In your child's folder on Friday was a list of packing dates. In our community, there are a few churches that support Hand2Hand. The church hosts a packing party. Families are welcome to help pack these weekend snack bags for the 8,000 hungry children in our community. Please consider these packing parties as an opportunity for your family to practice being the "hands and feet of Jesus" in our community around us.

What are we learning...

- Math - Starting our Complex Story Problem unit.

- Reading/Writing - Creating a project that displays their learning of a specific topic that they have been reading about for the last 3 weeks.

- Bible - The Israelites exodus out of Egypt and the treasures hidden in the meaning of the Passover

- Science - The path of light and how light changes our world

PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES: It is that time of year again! Time for parent teacher conferences. I am changing it up a little bit from previous years. Usually your child will lead the conference, but with early spring break plans and needs to "reschedule"...I am changing it up. 

Parents and I will meet for 15 minutes to celebrate the strengths of your child and talk about how they can grow as they move towards 4th grade expectations. Your child will record a small video sharing about their areas of strength in the classroom and where they believe they can grow and be challenged. This video will be sent to you and you can view it at home :)

Please sign up for a 15 minute slot on Monday, March 28 or Wednesday, March 30 from 4:00-8:00pm. These will be the only two days I am able to meet with families. If you are unable to meet in person, please let me know. We can meet VIA ZOOM during one of the selected times on that Monday or Wednesday. Thank you for your support. I am so excited to meet together again.

Cleaning/Clorax Wipes Needed: Our stock of Clorox/cleaning wipes has run out. If you have any room on your grocery bill for a tub of wipes, a tub of wipes would be MUCH appreciated. Thank you ;)

GRAND RAPIDS CHILDREN'S MUSEUM: On Monday, March 7, we will headed out on another field trip! We are headed to the GR Children's Museum with our kindergarten friends. We will leave school around 8:30 and return to school after eating lunch. Your child will need a packed lunch to eat at the museum. Parent/s are welcome to join us. We are asking any volunteers to pay $10 for admission and meet us at the museum (50 kiddos on the bus...will be a bit much). Please let me know if you would like to join us on the trip. We would love to have you join us!


Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Feb. 21

On Thursday, we had a guest teacher in our classroom. Taylor Evans is a educator from the OAISD. She loves to teach students about agriculture in Michigan. On Thursday, we learned about the power of the soybean. We learned about renewable resources and how soybeans can be made into plastic. The students were able to make some plastic from soybean oil.

On Wednesday, the wacky tourists had a surprise guest. They all got out their cameras and started taking pictures. The whole scene made me giggle!

Only 5 1/2 weeks until Spring Break!

After sledding at Zeeland Christian, we headed over to Mosaic ministries in City on A Hill. Mrs. Katie talked about the ministry and how it helps the families in our community. The students asked great questions. Please ask them about the experience.
Mrs. Katie had two tasks for us. We needed to sort BINS of hangers, and hang up a bunch of girls clothes. The kids jumped right in. I was so proud of their work.

Sledding at ZCS. WHAT A JOY!



What are we learning?

Math: Finished up our measurement and data unit. Test on Monday, Feb. 28
Writing: Published our persuasive essay.
Reading: We will begin working on a project to show what we learned about our topic.
Science: Learning about Light and Sound
Bible: Learning about the 10 plagues and the Israelites exodus out of Egypt

Wacky Wednesdays

Feb. 23 - Wacky Fan Day (Sports team)

"HANDS and FEET of JESUS" Field Trips: This month, the students and I are going to learn about how people made a change in our city, state, and in our country. These changes allowed for all of God's children to be treated fairly, respected, and loved deeply. Instead of just talking about it, I want to take the students out into our community and see people in our community who are being the "hands and feet of Jesus" in our community.

2nd Field Trip - (Feb. 23) - We will also visit Hand2Hand Organization in Jension. This organization provides food, meals, and other essential products for kids in our community. We will visit for an hour and learn who they help in our community and why they are making a change in our community.

Cleaning/Clorax Wipes Needed: Our stock of Clorox/cleaning wipes has run out. If you have any room on your grocery bill for a tub of wipes, a tub of wipes would be MUCH appreciated. Thank you ;)

GRAND RAPIDS CHILDREN'S MUSEUM: On Monday, March 7, we will headed out on another field trip! We are headed to the GR Children's Museum with our kindergarten friends. We will leave school around 8:30 and return to school after eating lunch. Your child will need a packed lunch to eat at the museum. Parent/s are welcome to join us. We are asking any volunteers to pay $10 for admission and meet us at the museum (50 kiddos on the bus...will be a bit much). Please let me know if you would like to join us on the trip. We would love to have you join us!

TULIP TIME: Tulip Time Festival is thrilled to announce that Kinder and Middel Dutch Dance are happening this year! Practices Kinder (3rd-5th graders) and Middel (6th-8th graders) Dutch Dancers are invited to Join the Dance. Registrations are open now until February 12, 2022. Any student from the greater Holland area in grades three through eight are welcome, no previous experience needed to dance as a Kinder or Middel Dancer. Sign up is simple, choose which ever practice time and location works best for your family’s schedule, then register using the link.

Kinder registration link: 

Middel registration link:

TULIP TIME CHOICES: In 2018, Tulip Time reframed their mission statement to read “Mission Statement: To celebrate Holland’s tulips, Dutch heritage and community.” To better align ourselves with their mission statement as well as with the goals here at Holland Christian, our Rose Park and Forest School students will be given two options for dressing up and walking in the the 2022 Kinderparade. More details will be forthcoming as we get closer to Tulip Time, but we want you to be aware of the options well in advance of the Tulip Time season: Our students from Rose Park and Forest School will be given the option of walking in either our new “tulip” section of the parade or our “Dutch heritage” section. The whole of our two groups walking together will be a celebration of our “community.”

  • If your 1st through 4th grade Rose Park student chooses to opt into the “tulip” section of our parade, your child will design and construct his or her own tulip to carry and then dress as a gardener based around our “Rooted” t-shirt. This gardener costume might include gardening boots and gloves, overalls, a wide-brimmed hat, etc. Anything you have handy at home that helps your child look like a busy gardener tilling the tulips will fit the part perfectly!
  • Students who opt into the “Dutch heritage” portion of our student body will wear their own Dutch costume and carry fun parade props.
All of our students from Rose Park and Forest School will be walking together as one big community in the aforementioned subsets. More details about logistics, costumes and timing will be coming soon. Don’t hesitate to email Miska with questions or wonderings at