Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Jan. 15 - Weekend Report

We've been so engulfed in our work at school this week that it turned out to be a "lighter" week of pictures.  We're excited to get our new economics project, vermicomposting, under way (ask your 4th grader about that one!).  We've created some pretty awesome movie trailers that showcase the historical fiction books we read during our most recent unit.  We've studied Martin Luther King Jr. and the gift that h
gave to this world in teaching inclusion and love, based on gospel living.  We've been immersing ourselves in persuasive essays as we prepare to create one of our own.  And we've been writing equations and solving story problems like nobody's business!  The kids also spent a big chunk of time showing their learning on the MAP test, and I am so proud of their growth!  Being here learning together has definitely benefited us this first semester!

This past weekend I spent time putting together report card grades and prepared comments for you as well. Your child's report card will come home on the Friday, the 22nd.

We will have a Bible Test on Thursday. The review sheet can be found in their homework folder.

We will take a break from work work tests this week. Instead spend time in class reviewing all the words we've studied already this year.

What a gift our health is!  In a world where so many people are struggling, our class has been remarkably healthy..  I was just commenting to another staff member earlier this week how nice it is not to have colds and stomach flu bugs going around this year.  All our COVID precautions are paying off in these ways too - a silver lining😊!  God still shows himself to us, even during a global pandemic!