Saturday, April 23, 2022

April 23

How we feel the Friday after one LONG week!

Playing Poison Dart Frog while we wait for the program!

Click here for Grandparent's Day Photos!

What are we learning:

Math - We are learning about area and perimeter.
Reading - Coming to the end of our Book Series Book Clubs
Writing - Learning how to create strong reasons and provide evidence for our literary essays
Bible - Learning about the different ways the Israelites worshipped God in the wilderness (Tabernacle, Festivals, laws, offerings).
Science - Starting to learn about the History of Michigan

TULIP TIME: THE TULIPS ARE COMING!! The special week is just around the corner. Here is what you need to know...

- 3rd graders will be participating in the Thursday afternoon parade (May 12)

- Your child will either come to school with their dutch costume or their "gardener" clothes. (overalls, pants, shorts, gardening gloves, sun hat, Walk-a-thon t-shirt, etc.)

- We will have school in the morning, eat a packed lunch at school, and ride over to the parade together as a class.

- I will be "parent" to your kiddos. We will wait for the parade to start (2:00 parade) and walk through the parade together as a class.

- YOUR JOB is to come and get the end of the parade route (fire station by Kollen Park).  

- In May, I will ask you for two things in preparation... your phone number and who will be picking up your child at the end of the parade.

If you have any concerns, questions, or wonderings...please send me an email or shoot me a text. I communicate more as the time gets closer! This is such a fun opportunity for the kids and I am excited to participate after a 2 year break :)

CLASSROOM NEEDS: We are low on Clorox/Disinfectant Wipes. If you have room on your grocery budget for a tub of wipes...we would greatly appreciate it :)

EGG CARTONS: Does your family like eggs? If so, I would love to collect your empty egg cartons. We are going to do some creating and I am in need of the non-Styrofoam egg cartons. Please send them in by May 5. THANK YOU!

Thursday, April 14, 2022

April 15

What are we learning:
Math - We have jumped into our Geometry unit. (angles, parallelograms, quadrilaterals, polygons, etc)
Reading - Coming to the end of our Book Series Book Clubs
Writing - Learning how to brainstorm and start a literary essay
Bible - Wandering with the Israelites in the wilderness (still...)
Science - Learning all about sound (vibrations, pitch, tones, frequency)

SPARK NOTES of the "Need to Knows":
- Kids Have Rights Presentation on Monday (12:45-1:45)...Parents can come.
- All Elementary Spring Program on Thursday @ Central Wesleyan (Door I @6:35pm)
- Grandparents/Friends Day on Friday at Rose Park (1-2pm)
- Tulip Time is coming. Prepare the costume and make sure someone is free to get your kiddo after the parade!

Here is what you NEED to know...

KIDS HAVE RIGHTS: The Children's Advocacy Center of Ottawa County will be presenting the body safety program, Kids Have Rights, to our 3rd graders this Monday.  Please see the letter that came home on Friday for more information. Parent/s are welcome to join us for the presentation from 12:45-1:45 in our classroom. 

SPRING PROGRAM: Thursday, April 21 is when ALL of our elementary students will be participating in our Spring Program this year because it's been missed for the past two years! It's TIME for all of us to gather in worship as one large family! ALL preschool through fifth grade students have a program prepared for YOU on Thursday, April 21 beginning at 7:00 at Central Wesleyan Church. Please plan to bring your K-5th grade child to our Rose Park "green room" at 6:35. Door I will bring you directly to our "green room" which is known to the locals as the Student Center. This is where you will meet your child's teacher. From there you are welcome to find a good spot in the Worship Center. The K-5th grade classes will take their position on the stage in the Worship Center beginning at 6:50. We anticipate the program to wrap up a bit before 8:00. 

GRANDPARENTS/FRIENDS DAY: Friday, April 22 is GRANDPARENTS/FRIENDS Day at Rose Park for K-5th grade! Grandparents or family friend is welcome to visit  our Rose Park classrooms from 1:00-2:00 on Friday, April 22. Our Rose Park parking lot will likely fill by 1:00 so we will be directing more visitors to our overflow lot which is graciously being offered by our friends at Peace Lutheran Church at 389 James Street. I have special activities planned for your child and parents/friends in the classrooms from 1:00-2:00. Grandparents/friends who choose to may take their children home at the close of our time together. I'll have activities for the children who stay with us until pick up at 3:15 as well on Friday.

TULIP TIME: THE TULIPS ARE COMING!! The special, busy week is just around the corner. Here is what you need to know...
- 3rd graders will be participating in the Thursday afternoon parade (May 12)

- Your child will either come to school with their dutch costume or their "gardener" clothes. (overalls, pants, shorts, gardening gloves, sun hat, Walk-a-thon tshirt, etc.)

- We will have school in the morning, eat a packed lunch at school, and ride over to the parade together as a class.

- I will be "parent" to your kiddos. We will wait for the parade to start (2:00 parade) and walk through the parade together as a class.

- YOUR JOB is to come and get the end of the parade route (fire station by Kollen Park).  

- In May, I will ask you for two things in preparation... your phone number and who will be picking up your child at the end of the parade.

If you have any concerns, questions, or wonderings...please send me an email or shoot me a text. I communicate more as the time gets closer! This is such a fun opportunity for the kids and I am excited to participate after a 2 year break :)