Friday, February 10, 2023

Feb. 10

We had a great time learning at Hemlock Crossing. We were able to take a walk and practice observing and asking questions about God's creation around us. Inside, we investigated different features of animal skulls and predicted what animal has that specific skull.

Spirit Week: Feb. 13-17
Monday - Pajama Day
Tuesday - Tie Dye Day
Wednesday - Camo Day
Thursday - Jersey and Hat Day
Friday - Maroon and White Day

Half Day on Feb. 17 - Dismissal will be at 11:30.

Bible Test:  We are finishing up our unit on King David and will be taking a test on Wednesday. Pay attention for a blue/purple review page that will come home in their backpack. 

HC Lacrosse: Micah Kool (HC Lacrosse Coach) is coming to Rose Park on Thursday, February 16 at lunch time to share about the Lacrosse opportunities.  He will be bringing pizza for those interested in hearing about lacrosse. So that he can be sure to bring enough pizza, I need to do an informal count of your kiddos?  I would probably leave out the pizza part (otherwise they will ALL sign up).  Can you let me know if your child would like to hear about Lacrosse? Thank you!

Spring Conferences: As you sign up for Spring Conferences, please know an in-person conference is the best option. In 4th grade, the students will lead their own conference. Please sign up for a time that works for both parents and the 4th grader.

Tulip Time..Already?? Yes. The time has come to talk about tulips! We are looking ahead to the Thursday's Children Parade and our role in the parade. In the Rose Park Blog, Miska explained the two options for your child in the parade. They can wear a Dutch Heritage costume or dress up as a gardener. Please fill out this form (Tulip Time Choices). This needs to be completed by Feb. 24. Thank you!

TRIP: Would you like to save money on your tuition? TRIP is a great way to do so. Holland Christian is hosting meetings on March 1 at 2:00pm in the Rose Park Media Center AND March 7 at 6:30pm in the High School Media Center. You will learn how to use TRIP and be able to access your account right away. Be sure to bring your computer or phone to participate. Leave ready to save! Any questions please contact

Friday, February 3, 2023

Feb. 3

"The Lord watches over you!" Psalm 121

The students created Long Division Kahoots and they could not wait to play their  games.

On Thursday, Taylor Evans visited our classroom to teach us about Honeybees. Mrs. Evans partners with elementary schools in Ottawa County and teaches about the importance of Michigan agriculture

The bees had to go to the flower and pick up the pollen and the nectar.

They learned about the important parts of a honeybee.

1 fantastic week of swimming lessons - Complete

We had barn chores on Tuesday. It was fun seeing the students step up and care for the ranch and the animals.

Swimming Lessons: What an incredible week! It is amazing to see how these students overcame their worries and fears. The whole experience was new to them and their worries were growing. But they did it! They overcame something hard! I have loved seeing their smiles in the pool and their encouragement for others. The HAC has an amazing program. Parents are welcomed to watch their kids on Wednesday and Thursday (Feb. 8 & 9) of next week. (We will not have swimming lessons on Friday because of our field trip.) We are in the pool from 11:15-11:45. Love to see you then!

- Wednesday will be Bosco Breadsticks for choice #1.  (NOT mozzarella sticks)
- Friday will be Ham and Cheese sandwich with a veggie, fruit and bag of chips (no pizza...for 4th grade because we will be leaving school before it is delivered to RP)

CLASSROOM NEED: We are gathering on Feb. 13 with our Kindergarten Buddies. I need 2 bags of Conversation Hearts. Send me an email if that is something you can donate. :)

Tulip Time..Already?? Yes. The time has come to talk about tulips! We are looking ahead to the Thursday's Children Parade and our role in the parade. In the Rose Park Blog, Miska explained the two options for your child in the parade. They can wear a Dutch Heritage costume or dress up as a gardener. Please fill out this form (Tulip Time Choices). This needs to be completed by Feb. 24. Thank you!

UPCOMING FIELD TRIP: We are headed to Hemlock Crossing on Friday, Feb. 10. This field trip will be an outdoor and indoor experience. We will eat at school. The students will need ALL their snow gear as we will be snowshoeing. If you send them with the items, I will make sure it is put on their body :).

Spirit Week: Will take place the week of February 13! I will send home a flyer on Monday in their homework folders.