Friday, September 30, 2016

SEPTEMBER 30, 2016

What a week we are walking and working through. And yet, what a community we are blessed to live in. As was so beautifully stated by Dan Meester this week, let's continue to walk with one another carrying this heavy yoke for so many. Dan encouraged us to "Keep it up—not by trying to find the perfect platitude that will solve everyone’s pain, but by just showing up, putting an arm around someone and finding a small way to carry their burden for a little while". This week, your children prayed and made cards for the Witte family and the driver of the truck. They worked hard on these letters and tried to find the right words to say. It was a blessing to see your children show Christ's love by being a blessing to someone else, whom they might not even know!

Because of the events of this past week, the funeral for Kevin Witte will be on Monday (Oct. 3) at 11 am at Central Wesleyan. Holland Christian Schools will be cancelling classes at all five of our campuses on Monday so that all of our employees can attend the funeral and be together as a school community. We realize that this may be an inconvenience for some of you with elementary or middle school students, but we are hoping that you will be willing to find solutions or work together to set up child care as a way to bless our faculty and staff during this difficult time.  


Our new spelling activity!
Haul those pockets back out! Tuesday (Oct. 4) will be out 3rd pocket day. 

Your child's Reading slip and Math homework are coming home on Tues. (Oct. 4)
- Math homework DUE Friday (Oct. 7th)
- Reading slips DUE Mon.(Oct. 10) 

Your child's new list is coming home today. We will be working on the sound of long o next week. I will be choosing 10 of the 15 words. Look for an purple sheet with your child's new words.  The test for these words will be Friday the 7th.  If your child is struggling with the spelling words, PLEASE talk with me and I can make a plan to help your child be successful with their spelling words. 

Creating artwork for the Witte's
As a community, our class has the privilege of supporting David with a program called Peer to Peer. It is an opportunity for your children to come along side David, a friend in our class with special needs, and be a friend who displays Christ's love. Your child will have the opportunity to be a walking buddy in the hall, a friend during snack and lunch,  or at singing buddy during music. Through their modeling, they develop a friendship and act as peer-leader for David. AND your children are excited to get started!  

Look for a brochure and a letter in your child's Friday Folder.  Talk about the program with your child.  Sign the brochure and return it if they would like to participate. And it's ok if he/she would rather not! Our class is ALL IN with David whether or not your child decides to participate. 

CLASSROOM VOLUNTEERS:There are still opportunities available. I have been blessed by your willingness to help during lunch and library. I appreciate your volunteering SO MUCH!
Our password to access the links is: maroons

Oct. 3 (Mon.): NO SCHOOL 
Oct. 4 (Tues): Pocket Day
                         Reading Slips DUE
                         Library Books DUE
                         Homework Folders coming home
Oct. 7 (Fri.): Spelling Test
                      Math Homework DUE
Oct. 13 (Thurs): Grandparents Day (10:15-11:30)
Oct. 20 & 21 (Thurs-Fri): CEA Convention - no school

Friday, September 23, 2016

"Ms. Snoeyink, we have a cloud on our playground!" - Who knew fog was so much fun.
Is fall coming!? We have had another good week at school and the students have been working very hard despite the heat and mugginess we continue to have.  I am blessed each day to be with your children and enjoy teaching them each week.

Your child's Reading slip and Math homework are coming home on Mon. (Sept. 26)
- Math homework DUE Friday (Sept. 30)
- Reading slips DUE Mon.(Oct. 3) 

Strike a pose
Your child's new list is coming home today. We will be working on the sound of long e next week. We will be choosing 10 of the 15 words. Look for an purple sheet with your child's new words.  The test for these words will be Friday the 30th.  If your child is struggling with the spelling words, PLEASE talk with me and I can make a plan to help your child be successful with their spelling words. 

There are still opportunities available. I have been blessed by your willingness to help during lunch and library. I appreciate your volunteering SO MUCH!
Our password to access the links is: maroons

Super Swinging Second Graders (Camryn, Charlotte, and Sophia)
You are invited to attend Coffee Connections next week!  On Friday, September 30, Parent Team is hosting an hour of time set aside for you to drop in to the SS Teachers’ Lounge and meet and visit with other parents of second graders.  Parent Team will provide the time and space for you to come and enjoy a fresh cup of coffee (or tea or lemonade) and grab a snack while having the opportunity to socially connect with other parents.  Little ones are more than welcome!  So, please plan on coming to the SS Teachers’ Lounge following morning drop-off (8:15/8:20am).

Catching grasshoppers in the big field.

DATES to remember:
Sept. 24: Kids Stuff Resale
Sept. 26: 
Library books due
                Reading Slips due
                Homework Folders coming home
Sept. 30: Spelling Test
                Math Homework due
Oct. 13: Grandparents Day
Oct. 20 & 21: CEA Convention - no school

Friday, September 16, 2016

September 16, 2016

"Team Snoeyink"
Whew...What an amazing week! Our class had a FANTASTIC time at the Walk-a-Thon on Wednesday. I loved watching the kids race peers and siblings, hulla-hoop, walk, skip, and dance around the track. Thank you to those of you involved in the parent team for this fun afternoon. All the elementary buildings raised $36,000! Wow! We are blessed to be a part of such a generous, supportive community! Thank you for helping your child with this fundraiser. 

Silly picture involves the whole body :)
*We are switching ahead to Psalm 100 a little early this month because it will be the chapter we're reciting at Grandparent's Day. A copy of it is in today's Friday Folder. Please practice this with your child at home. It will be review from last year. 

*Monday (19th) your child will come home with their homework folder. 
Inside will be...
- A Math worksheet that will be DUE that FRIDAY (23rd). 
- A Reading Minutes sheet that will be DUE on MONDAY (26th). Send back in the Friday "fish" Folder. Remember the goal is 100 minutes. This can be your child reading on his/her own OR you and your child taking turns. 

Don't worry..that is water from the fountain. Not sweat!
They loved those popsicles.

The bleachers provided a great shady spot.

Spelling words are coming home in today's Friday Folder on a rose piece of paper. We will pick 10 of the "Long A" words for the test, and do the 3 written in sight words. Our first test will be Friday, Sept. 23. We will be practicing the words at school, but it would also help if you practice these at home with your child. Remember--if your child has trouble with this words, please contact me and we can work out a system where you know which 10 words to practice in advance. Thank you! 

MONDAY will be our 20th day of school, so bust out your outfits with store-made 
pockets again! It'll be another competition to see which class can wear the most pockets. 

*Book orders are due by 10:00pm on MONDAY. You can place an order online or hand in a paper form. Let me know if the book is going to be a gift for your child, and I can set it aside. 

We are continuing "Wellness Wednesdays" this year, so students are invited to wear comfy "workout" clothes on Wednesdays. From dance videos to movement games in the classroom, we are finding extra ways to provide our brain and body with a positive break.

Two yellow postcards are coming home today in your child's folder. These are to hand out to Grandparent/Grandfriends to invite them to Grandparent's Day on Thursday, Oct. 13. 
I have been blessed by your willingness to help during lunch and library. I appreciate your volunteering SO MUCH! There are still opportunities available.
Our password to access the links is: maroons

TONIGHT is the Homecoming football game with the Early Childhood Tailgate games and dinner. You can still buy tickets when you get there, so come on out with the HC community for a fun night! 

*THANK YOU for a great first month of school! I am blessed to have your children in my classroom. Thank you for sharing them with me. I am honored to have the opportunity to learn and grow with your child each day! 

Sept. 16: Homecoming Football Game
Sept. 19: Reading Minutes Due
               Pocket Day
               Book Orders Due 
Sept. 23: Math Homework Due
               Spelling Test 
Sept. 24: Kid's Stuff Resale (High School) 
Oct. 13: Grandparent's Day 
Oct. 20-21: No School, Teachers @ CEA Convention 

Thursday, September 8, 2016

SEPTEMBER 9: Is it Fall yet?

Convocation was an amazing experience! It was so awesome to see Preschoolers through High School Seniors gathering together to worship our Heavenly Father! Not only were we "all in" the gym, but we were reminded that we are called to be "All In" our walk alongside our loving Savior and Lord. It is such a blessing to be part of such a passionate, Christ-centered community! 

We are "All In"!
*Please continue to practice Psalm 8 at home. We are working hard on this in the classroom and I am amazed to see the student's creativity with motions and effort to learn these words from God's Word.
"Strike a pose"

*Next Monday (12th) your child will come home with their homework folder. 
Inside will be...
- A Math worksheet for practicing their doubles math facts. This math worksheet will be DUE that FRIDAY (16TH).
- A Reading Minutes sheet that will be DUE on MONDAY (19th). Send back in Friday Fish folder.

*Book orders are in today's Friday Folder. If you use online ordering (It's very easy---details are on the yellow sheet) then you have access to ANY/ALL catalogs, not just the one I sent home. Please submit online orders or bring completed forms by Monday, Sept. 19. If you ever want to keep your order a surprise to use it as a gift, just let me know!

Patiently waiting for our bus.
*Walk-a-thon is Wednesday, Sept. 14! (Get hyped :) ) The packets have been sent home and the money will need to be turned in MONDAY, SEPT. 12. 

Working together to find the different distances.
*Our school pictures will be taken on WEDNESDAY, SEPT 14 (yes...the same day as walk-a-thon!) Because we are going to wear our walk-a-thon t-shirts that afternoon, we'll be allowing the students to change out of "picture day clothes" into their walk-a-thon t-shirts. The pictures will be taken in the morning and the walk-a-thon will be happening in the afternoon. Please remember to return the form on Wednesday or before. If you aren't ordering pictures, please return the form and write "No Order" on it. 

*Our class has library on Tuesdays. Please bring in books on Tuesday mornings! 
*Our class has gym on Mondays & Thursdays. Please make sure your child has the appropriate shoes to participate in the gym activities.

"Ms. Snoeyink, our marble rolled 640 cm!"

I appreciate your volunteering SO MUCH! 
Check out the Classroom Volunteer links on the right side to be a lunch and library helper. Our password to access the links is: maroons
Also, I am looking for a few room moms that are willing to partner with me for a few class parties. Please sign up in the office if you are willing!

Early Childhood Tailgate is set for Friday, Sept. 16 from 5:-00-7:00 at the high school! This is a FREE event for all preschool and kindergarten and their IMMEDIATE family members that will be held during the Holland Christian Homecoming weekend.  Families will receive wristbands for a free meal as well as tickets to get into the football game prior the event.  Please RSVP with your child's teacher with the number of wristbands you need by SEPTEMBER 9.  After SEPTEMBER 9 wristbands may be purchased on the website.  The Early Childhood department will be hosting a variety of activities along with others for the kiddos before the game.

*THANK YOU for your love, prayers, and support as we begin this new school year together! Your donations of hand sanitizer, snacks, tissues, bleach wipes, and baggies are a huge blessing. I am so blessed to spend each day with your child! Enjoy the weekend with your families!

Sept. 12: Walk-a-Thon money (thank you!!)
Sept. 14School Picture Day and Walk-a-Thon
: Picture Forms
Sept: 16: Homework Folders (Math worksheet) DUE
Sept. 16: Early Childhood Tailgate
Sept. 19: Reading Minutes Due
: Book Order forms completed online or handed in

Friday, September 2, 2016

SEPTEMBER 2 - WEEK 2: Complete

And just like that another week has flown by! It's been good to continue to "get into the school groove". I love watching this classroom of students become a classroom family. Their excitement for learning the Shema in the morning, spending 30 minutes silently reading, and their first pocket day (182 pockets total) gets me excited for what this upcoming year holds for us. It was a GREAT second week!

"To God be the Glory, now and forever" Starting our Friday morning with praise.
Fans on, lights off, let the reading time begin!
*For the month of September we will be practicing Psalm 8, our Bible Memory. A copy for your fridge went home last week. Please try to practice this at home. Remember that we will recite this together various ways at school, but it would be great to have the practice at home as well. This passage is being done K-12 to create a passionate commitment to faith and development of the whole school body.  
*Want to help us spread the love of reading?  Be a story reader!  
Our class is looking for someone
Writing letters to the Hoeksema and Kanis family.
each month to come in and share a book with the kids.  If you picked up a sheet at parent night, please return it by Sept. 9.  Or e-mail Christy Haig at to sign up. This might be a fun opportunity for grandma or grandpa or another special adult in our children's' lives to participate in, so feel free to spread the idea to them too.

Science is better outside!

*Check out the Classroom Volunteer links on the right side to be lunch and library helpers! Our password to access the links is: maroons
I appreciate your volunteering SO MUCH! Also, I am looking for a few room moms that are willing to partner with me for a few class parties. This job is not hard! Please sign up in the office if you are willing! :)

*We are all busy settling in to new routines, from school to soccer practices, etc. so we will ease into the year together. We recognize that families are busy with Labor Day weekend plans as well, so we'll start Reading and Math homework the week of Sept. 12.

*Please remember that Batons are due by Wed. Sept. 7There is a basket outside our classroom door. We will have a special convocation chapel at the high school at 9:00am on Weds., Sept. 7 if you would like to join us! 

A community of God's children showing God's love
Early Childhood Tailgate is set for Friday, Sept. 16 from 5:-00-7:00 at the high school!This is a FREE event for all preschool and kindergarten and their IMMEDIATE family members that will be held during the Holland Christian Homecoming weekend.  Families will receive wristbands for a free meal as well as tickets to get into the football game prior the event.  Please RSVP with your child's teacher with the number of wristbands you need by SEPTEMBER 9.  After SEPTEMBER 9 wristbands may be purchased on the website.  The Early Childhood department will be hosting a variety of activities along with others for the kiddos before the game.  

Walk-a-thon is Wednesday, Sept. 14!Packets have been sent home this week and money will need to be turned in by Monday, September 12. T-shirts for preschool through second grade students will be available and need to be worn on Wednesday, September 14.

Picture DayOur school pictures will be taken on Wednesday, September 14 (yes! Same day as walk-a-thon!)  Because we are going to wear our walk-a-thon t-shirts that afternoon, we'll be allowing the students to change out of "picture day clothes" into their walk-a-thon t-shirts. The pictures will be taken in the morning and the walk-a-thon will be happening in the afternoon.

*THANK YOU for your love, prayers, and support as we begin this new school year together! Your donations of hand sanitizer, snacks, tissues, bleach wipes, and baggies are a huge blessing. I am so blessed to spend each day with your child! Enjoy the long weekend with your families!

Important Dates: 

Sept. 5: No School: Labor Day
Sept. 7: BATONS DUE! Convocation Chapel at 9:00am, High School Gym

Sept. 14School Picture Day and Walk-a-Thon