Friday, September 2, 2016

SEPTEMBER 2 - WEEK 2: Complete

And just like that another week has flown by! It's been good to continue to "get into the school groove". I love watching this classroom of students become a classroom family. Their excitement for learning the Shema in the morning, spending 30 minutes silently reading, and their first pocket day (182 pockets total) gets me excited for what this upcoming year holds for us. It was a GREAT second week!

"To God be the Glory, now and forever" Starting our Friday morning with praise.
Fans on, lights off, let the reading time begin!
*For the month of September we will be practicing Psalm 8, our Bible Memory. A copy for your fridge went home last week. Please try to practice this at home. Remember that we will recite this together various ways at school, but it would be great to have the practice at home as well. This passage is being done K-12 to create a passionate commitment to faith and development of the whole school body.  
*Want to help us spread the love of reading?  Be a story reader!  
Our class is looking for someone
Writing letters to the Hoeksema and Kanis family.
each month to come in and share a book with the kids.  If you picked up a sheet at parent night, please return it by Sept. 9.  Or e-mail Christy Haig at to sign up. This might be a fun opportunity for grandma or grandpa or another special adult in our children's' lives to participate in, so feel free to spread the idea to them too.

Science is better outside!

*Check out the Classroom Volunteer links on the right side to be lunch and library helpers! Our password to access the links is: maroons
I appreciate your volunteering SO MUCH! Also, I am looking for a few room moms that are willing to partner with me for a few class parties. This job is not hard! Please sign up in the office if you are willing! :)

*We are all busy settling in to new routines, from school to soccer practices, etc. so we will ease into the year together. We recognize that families are busy with Labor Day weekend plans as well, so we'll start Reading and Math homework the week of Sept. 12.

*Please remember that Batons are due by Wed. Sept. 7There is a basket outside our classroom door. We will have a special convocation chapel at the high school at 9:00am on Weds., Sept. 7 if you would like to join us! 

A community of God's children showing God's love
Early Childhood Tailgate is set for Friday, Sept. 16 from 5:-00-7:00 at the high school!This is a FREE event for all preschool and kindergarten and their IMMEDIATE family members that will be held during the Holland Christian Homecoming weekend.  Families will receive wristbands for a free meal as well as tickets to get into the football game prior the event.  Please RSVP with your child's teacher with the number of wristbands you need by SEPTEMBER 9.  After SEPTEMBER 9 wristbands may be purchased on the website.  The Early Childhood department will be hosting a variety of activities along with others for the kiddos before the game.  

Walk-a-thon is Wednesday, Sept. 14!Packets have been sent home this week and money will need to be turned in by Monday, September 12. T-shirts for preschool through second grade students will be available and need to be worn on Wednesday, September 14.

Picture DayOur school pictures will be taken on Wednesday, September 14 (yes! Same day as walk-a-thon!)  Because we are going to wear our walk-a-thon t-shirts that afternoon, we'll be allowing the students to change out of "picture day clothes" into their walk-a-thon t-shirts. The pictures will be taken in the morning and the walk-a-thon will be happening in the afternoon.

*THANK YOU for your love, prayers, and support as we begin this new school year together! Your donations of hand sanitizer, snacks, tissues, bleach wipes, and baggies are a huge blessing. I am so blessed to spend each day with your child! Enjoy the long weekend with your families!

Important Dates: 

Sept. 5: No School: Labor Day
Sept. 7: BATONS DUE! Convocation Chapel at 9:00am, High School Gym

Sept. 14School Picture Day and Walk-a-Thon

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