Friday, January 26, 2018

"God you are Almighty, Beauty-creator, Creator, Defender, Everlasting, Forever-lasting, Grace filled, Holy, Invincible, Joy-filled, kind King, the Lamb, my Messiah, Never-Ending, Omega, Powerful...."
This was the prayer I heard on Thursday morning. As each child acknowledged their Great God by name, my heart welled up with joy. "God you are grace filled and you give us even more grace. Even when we don't deserve it." "Every time we look outside, we are reminded that you are the Creator. And every morning you are still creating." These are the moments I treasure as a teacher. Moments when His children are able to talk to Him by name. May we continue to model and provide these moments of conversations with our children. 

This week, the students accomplished some state-testing, learned how important it is to know the meaning of words in information books, and were reminded that God is always with us, even amidst the joy and pain.

Here is what you need to know for the week!
Fish Folders:
- Wacky Wednesdays (Purple) Flier
- Skating Party (Pink) Flier
- Coupon for a Free Shack at Potbelly's
- Misc. papers

Box Tops:
This past Monday, there was a orange paper that went home containing information about Box Tops. Collecting Box Tops and School Spirit (Aunt Millie's) is a fun and easy way to raise money for Rose Park! For every Box Top we collect, the school earns $.10. I have a box in the classroom where the students can drop off their collections. This will end Friday, Feb 2.

100th Day of School:
This upcoming Tuesday, Jan. 30 will be our 100th day of school! Where has the time gone? We are looking forward to celebrating 100 days of God's faithfulness together. In celebration, we are encouraging the students to dress like they are 100 years old!  (No wheelchairs or walkers, our classroom just isn't big enough!) Don't feel like you need to go and buy things....just get creative with this! 

Wacky Wednesday Dates:
There was a purple flier that came home today in their fish folder. For the month of February, we will have 4 Wacky Wednesdays. 
Feb. 7 - Wacky Hair Day
Feb. 14 - Pink, Red, White Day
Feb. 21 - Hat and Silly Sock Day
Feb. 28 - Backwards Day

Skating Party:
We have another skating party coming up! And I am going to be there :) Rose Park is invited to skate at Home Roller Rink on Feburary 8 from 6-7:45. The cost is $5 for the children.

Important Dates:
Mon. Jan. 29: Reading Minutes due
Tues. Jan 30: 100th Day of School--
                  Dress like you're 100 years old!
Thurs. Feb. 1: Library books due
Fri. Feb. 2: Report Cards go home
                  Final Day for Book Tops
                  Spelling Test
                  Math homework due
Feb. 12-15: Maker's Week
Feb. 16 & 19: No School

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Henry is a new student in our class!
During our morning devotions this week, the students and I talked about looking for God even in the dark valleys and pits. The truth that God never leaves us  and we need to search for God even in the chaos and pain. When we find Him, a small feeling of comfort and bit of peace enters our world. It gave me goosebumps as the students, one by one, shared a moment when they saw God in their chaos or in someone else's chaos. One student mentioned that God healed Caroline's tumor, and now she is dancing in heaven. Another mentioned that they had a friend ask them to join their game outside. 

Then in Bible, we are reading about the chaos of Joseph's life. He was deeply hated, throw into a rocky pit, and sold by his own brothers. He was brought to another country and sold to a complete stranger. The students asked, "Where is God in this chaos?" and "Why is this happening to His child?" It was then that one of the students mentioned that this story was like our pray time that morning. Joseph had to look for God and find Him in the chaos. And He was there. The Lord was with Him and that same Lord is with us. 

I am blessed to watch these students come around a classmate, whose family is going through a deep dark valley. They bring in a desk for their classmate's stuffed puppy, write ideas for bedtime stories, share their faith in beautifully written cards, and consistently pray and love on ones who need an extra measure of grace. 
This is bringing the Kingdom of Heaven here! These little builders are building the Kingdom of Heaven. May we continue to guide them and learn from them too!

Fish Folders:
Here is what came home in the weekend folders.
- Misc. Papers from the week
- Blue Filer about a program in the area (two-sided paper)
- Information about Rose Park's movie night

Spirit Days:
Besides our pajama day, the Parent Board has scheduled two more spirit days for the month of January. Jan. 19 and 26 will be spirit days at RP. Students can wear HC apparel and the class with the most participation will win an ice cream sundae party.

Important Dates:
Mon. Jan. 15: Reading Minutes due
Thurs. Jan 18: Library books due
Fri. Jan 19: Spirit Day 
                  Spelling Test
                  Math homework due
Thurs. Jan. 25: Rose Park's Discovery Night @ 6:00 (Share the invite)
Fri. Jan 26: Spirit Day
Tues. Jan 30: 100th Day of School--
                  Dress like you're 100 years old!
Feb. 2: Report Cards go home
Feb. 12-15: Maker's Week

Died of laughter when I saw this on Friday!