Saturday, February 20, 2021

Feb. 19, 2021

On Ash Wednesday, after chapel, we talked about the importance of Lent and Ash Wednesday. We talked about the sacrificial gift of Christ dying on the cross. His mission was to come to earth, teach us how to be a kingdom builder, and take the final punishment for us. He bore the weight of our sin. He did that for us! Because of His GREAT love, we have forgiveness. WOW. What an amazing gift! The students listened to the song "Forgiven" by David Crowder and spent time with God. The students were encouraged to write to God, journal, illustrate a picture, record their thoughts of what forgiveness is and looks like. I had tears in my eyes as I walked around and looked at their "moments with God". They all took those pages home. Take a peek. May you be reminded of the gift of forgiveness and the mission Christ accomplished on earth!

Ash Wednesday, Wacky Hat Day, and first day back after a weekend+two extra days....WOW. What a great start to a short week.

VERMICOMPOSTING - You may have heard about our class economics project this year - we are doing vermicomposting with worms.  So we have a giant tote filled with coco coir and 1000 worms that we are feeding and caring for in hopes that they will produce some highly valuable worm castings that we can sell as fertilizer this spring along side of the high school's plant sale.  We'll keep you posted as the project moves forward....

Optional Discipleship Practices At Home Activities During Lent - As we begin the journey to the cross through Lent, we want to walk with you and center ourselves around Christ; his death and resurrection. To do that together, on weekdays we will be posting on social media and the HC website, a short Bible passage and some conversation questions that revolve around Discipleship Practices (behaviors that are rooted in the Bible, Church History, and are used as our integration of faith in all that we do at HC). This is not a checklist, or to-do list, but simply a way we can partner together as we worship Christ in all things.

Job Posting - Holland Christian Schools is seeking people who want to build up and encourage young people and families through providing regular school bus transportation for students. Hours are flexible. We are seeking applicants who demonstrate a love for kids, careful, conscientious driving habits, and an interest in providing a needed service to the families of Holland Christian. No previous school bus driving experience necessary. Holland Christian will provide the training necessary. If interested please contact Dan Vos at 616-820-2805 or

Monday, February 8, 2021

Monday, Feb. 8

We have some impressive wacky hair results! How early did some of you wake up?

On Wednesday, we talked about the gifts and talents that God has given us. I first asked the kids to identify the talents and gifts of others they know. They started to share gifts of parents or cousins. Then they began to share gifts of others in the classroom. WOW. Each child identified a gift of someone else. Everyone was praised and identified in the room. Their smiles filled the room. It was a beautiful moment to witness. So thankful for this bunch.

Economics Vocabulary Quiz - A study packet will come home on Wednesday with all the vocabulary words we have been learning during our study of economics.  We will take a matching quiz on those by Thursday or Friday.  I included a set of cards that can be used for a matching game to assist your child with studying at home.

Bible Test - I turned the page in my Bible binder and realized that we are almost ready for a test again!  Stay tuned to your chid's planner, but it might be on Wednesday or Thursday of this week.

Wednesday, February 10 - Wacky Socks Day!

Valentine's Exchange - Please plan to send valentines to school on Friday, February 12.  We will have an exchange in the morning that day.  

Field Trip - Also on Friday the 12th, we plan to head to Hemlock Crossings Nature Center where we will spend the entire afternoon outdoors looking for evidence of animal adaptations in winter.  If the weather cooperates, we will even strap on some snowshoes while we do our exploring.  Please be sure your child has all the proper winter attire for that day (boots, hat, gloves/mittens, snow pants, etc.).  It sounds like it will be COLD out, but with appropriate clothing we will be just fine.

3rd-5th Lacrosse - Anybody that is interested in playing lacrosse this year, the sign-ups are now available online. If you are interested in trying for the first time or unsure please-mail Coach Kool ( and he would be happy to help. First time players or experienced players are all welcome. Here is the link for signing up.

Still finding a way to play soccer!

Playing on the snow mound!

The latest boy band!

Spent the last 30 minutes on Thursday playing outside in the sun.

Goal was to build the tallest tower!

Monday, February 1, 2021

Jan. 29, 2021

100 Days of Learning! What an unexpected gift, considering all the uncertainties at the beginning of the year. By the grace of God, we have come so far.

In other areas of our curriculum, we keep plugging along with our non-fiction reading unit and our persuasive essay writing unit.  We are studying the Divided Kingdom of Israel and some of the first kings of the split of Israel and Judah.  We are enjoying our economics unit, especially how it connects to so many components of real life - our market economy, price, competition, incentives, imports and exports, and so much more.  And our next math unit is focused on story problems with different operations. Next month our Bible memory will be Psalm 121.

Wacky Wednesdays - February brings with it Wacky Wednesdays!  Be sure to note the following on your calendar:

Feb. 3 - Wacky Hair

Feb. 10 - Wacky Socks

Feb. 17 - Wacky Hat

Feb. 24 - Wacky Outfit

VALENTINES - We will be holding a valentine's exchange in celebration of Valentine's Day in mid-February, so if you're at the store you may wish to pick those up.  Please be sure your child has a valentine for each of their classmates.  Also, please have them write their classmates name on the valentine for each person.  Our list of students came home on Friday.

From Ms. Raak:  Families, please be sure your child has PE shoes on gym days. Boots are not as speedy and kids can't jump as high as they like when they're weighted down with big winter boots (it also creates quite a mess on the floor 😜)

From the office:  Speaking of clothing....pants! We need pants! Our students have been in need of dry pants at various points throughout the day. We love to take them into our supply room for a nice, dry pants choice! Mrs. Chase, Mrs. Pereira and Mrs. Rynsburger have emptied out their stash of clothing from home. If you happen to have any old children's pants that still have life in them, we'd be so appreciative to take them off your hands! They'll be put to great use in our supply room!