Monday, October 31, 2022

Oct. 28


Bible - We finished reading through the story of Ruth. Now we are prepare projects where we retell the story on our iPad.
Math - We are learning how to times 1 digit by 2 digit. 
Reading - We have started our Analyzing Characters Unit. We will be looking closely at the characters in our book.
Writing - Students have begun to stretch and add onto their realistic fiction stories on their iPads.
Science - We are learning how patterns in waves relate to sound waves.

Click on this link to access pictures from Thursday! Grandparents and Friend's Day Pictures

KIDS HAVE RIGHTS: The Children's Advocacy Center of Ottawa County will be presenting the body safety program, Kids Have Rights, to our 4th graders on Monday, Nov. 7.  Please see the letter that came home on Monday for more information. Disregard the phrase about watching a video. We will not be watching any videos. Parent/s are welcome to join us for the presentation from 12:30-1:30 in our classroom. 

MUSIC NOTE FROM MRS. BOER: Recorder music was sent home with your child this week. The expectation for practicing is that your child practices three days a week and each song three times (3X-3X). They can keep track of the days they practice on the calendar that is in their music folders. I will ask them to turn in their calendars at the end of the month so that I can see who is practicing and how much. Please encourage your child to practice and to remember to bring their recorders and music folders to school on the day they have music (and also on certain Fridays because of the rotating schedule). We are becoming Beauty Creators with our recorders!

MATILDA: HCHS’s Theatre Department is proud to present Matilda for the Fall Musical this year! Based on the book by Roald Dahl, Matilda is the inspiring story of a girl with astonishing wit, intelligence, psychokinetic powers, and an extraordinary imagination who dreams of a better life. You won’t want to miss this incredibly fun musical. Performances are November 17-19 at 7 pm. Due to licensing restrictions we are unable to livestream this Fall’s production, but you can get your in-person tickets at beginning October 17th.

You’re invited to Swingin' the Night Away! November 4, 6:45-9 pm in the HC high school cafeteria. Enjoy swing dance lessons (6:45-7:30), a dance (7:30-9), dessert and the sounds of big band jazz. $5/person at the door. Music provided by the HC Jazz Bands and the Old Timer’s Band.  Bring your children, and your parents- it’s a delightful evening with loads of vintage charm!

Monday, October 17, 2022

Oct. 14, 2022

Bible - We finished reading through the story of Ruth. Now we are prepare projects where we retell the story on our iPad.
Math - We are learning how to times 1 digit by 2 digit. 
Reading - We have started our Analyzing Characters Unit. We will be looking closely at the characters in our book.
Writing - Students have begun to stretch and add onto their realistic fiction stories on their iPads.
Science - We are learning how patterns in waves relate to sound waves.

NO HOMEWORK for next week!

Half Day on Wednesday, Oct. 19 (Dismissal at 11:30)

NO School on Thursday (10/20) and Friday (10/21)

REPORT CARDS: Report Cards can now be viewed electronically. You can locate your child's report card on PowerSchool. I have learned that the best way to view the report card is on a desktop/laptop. A phone's view will only allow you to see the number scores, but does not show you the comments.

In 4th grade, your child will receive a letter grade for math, Bible, and spelling. These grades are based on tests taken throughout the quarter. We also use a number (1, 2, 3) grading scale. 

As a teacher, these are how I view each number.
1 - Needs lots of support and is an area of concern. This is a skill we will continue to work on.
2 - Not quite mastery, but is able to use the skill independently with some help/support. 
3 - Mastery of the skill. They do not need help or support. They are able to do this skill independently.

GRANDPARENTS/FRIENDS DAY:  We will be welcoming our Grandparents and friends into our building on Thursday, Oct. 27. This day can be so exciting for many, but it also can be a hard day for some. Please let me know if your child will not have a special visitor coming to Rose Park. I would love to help make arrangements or brainstorm ways as to how I can help :) Thank you!

MUSIC NOTE FROM MRS. BOER: We have begun learning how to play recorders! This past week we talked about how little a breath we need to play a recorder to make a pleasant sound. Parent's and dog's ears should not be hurting when we play! We also learned about playing with our left hand on top, nearest our mouth. Perhaps your child has told you about the folders they received in music class. These are to go back and forth between home and school along with your child's recorder on the day of music class. A homework sheet was sent home to be completed by your child and a few lines of music that they can begin to practice.

A Note From Our Parent Board: πŸ˜€ Help Wanted πŸ˜€ 
Grandparents Day Volunteers: Are you able and willing to help with our Grandparents Day event on the 27th?  Please take a peek at our sign up.

Please join the Mac and Cheese Club for a 5K and/or (1 Mile) Family Walkathon fundraising event on Saturday, October 22nd at Helder Park in Zeeland, benefiting Community Action House and Gateway Mission. Please bring a box (or more ;-) to donate at the race check-in table, starting at 9:45am. See all race details, including registration at - thank you and God Bless! -Charlie Duistermars, Morgan Lampen, Gibson Isanhart, Mason Arnoldink and Sam Greene.

Friday, October 7, 2022

Oct. 7, 2022

We took our science lesson outside on Thursday!

What are we learning:
Bible - We are learning about the story of Ruth and how Jesus is our redeemer!
Math - We are learning how to times 1 digit by 2 digit. 
Reading - Reviewing our strong reading habits as we take on harder books in the classroom.
Writing - Students have begun to draft their realistic fiction stories on their iPads.
Science - We are learning how patterns in waves relate to sound waves.

PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES: Parent Teacher Conferences are less than two weeks away. I would love to meet with each of you to talk about the strengths and gifts of your children. I have some spots open on Monday, Oct. 17 from 4-8pm (in person) and on Wednesday, Oct. 19 from 12-4pm (in person or online). Please let me know if you need help signing up!

MUSIC NOTE FROM MRS. BOER: We will begin playing recorders next week! Don't forget to remind your child to bring their recorder to class every time they have music beginning the week of October 10.

GRANDPARENTS/FRIENDS DAY:  We will be welcoming our Grandparents and friends into our building on Thursday, Oct. 27. This day can be so exciting for many, but it also can be a hard day for some. Please let me know if your child will not have a special visitor coming to Rose Park. I would love to help make arrangements or brainstorm ways as to how I can help :) Thank you!

THINK ENERGY - HEW FORM: The Home Energy Worksheet (HEW) came home in your child's "Take Action" goodie bag. That worksheet is homework and will be due Tuesday, October 11.  You may fill out the paper and return it to me, OR, even better, you may follow the instructions on the top of the paper to fill it out on line and submit it there.  Then simply write your confirmation code on the top of the worksheet and have your child bring it back to school so I know it is done.  Doing it online saves me a TON of time - otherwise I have to go through them all and enter them myself once they are turned inπŸ₯΄.  Please note, if you are not interested in installing everything in the kit, you do not have to!  The white home energy sheet simply asks if you installed the products or not.  We still get credit toward the grant for the rest of the work you do, even if you do not install everything.  Just pass the items you don't use on to someone else who can use them. 😊

A Note From Our Parent Board: πŸ˜€ Help Wanted πŸ˜€ 

Parent Teacher Conference Meals: Please see the sign up to feed and fuel our teachers during Parent Teacher conferences!

Grandparents Day Volunteers: Are you able and willing to help with our Grandparents Day event on the 27th?  Please take a peek at our sign up.

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Oct. 1

On Thursday, we were invited to learn about the different heritages of Spanish speaking countries. Our peers in Spanish immersion taught us about the food, music, games, and details about specific Spanish speaking countries. The students had a chance to try new foods, play some games, and hear facts about this countries. The students were so excited to take notes!


Walk-a-thon was a blast! We were able to walk on the new turf and see siblings, cousins, and friends. I tried to catch as many of my "green shirts" as possible. Some were just moving TOO fast! To say they were exhausted when we got back...would be an understatement.





By now you've likely received your treasure bag of energy saving tools from the power company via your 4th grader.  There's some great items in there!  It certainly was a fun and engaging presentation they gave us all about energy. 

God blessed us with an AMAZING day on Friday. Our ODC teacher, Mr. Tom, taught us about abiotic and biotic. We then went around the property and located abiotic and biotic features in different ecosystems/habitats. The students were about to catch bugs in the meadows, watch frogs hop into the safety of pondweed, and observe a praying mantis walk across our path. We had a great afternoon!




Bible - We will have a small quiz on Monday. Then start learning about Ruth.
Math - We will begin our new unit learning 2-digit by 2-digit multiplication. 
Reading - Reviewing our strong reading habits as we take on harder books in the classroom.
Writing - We have begun our Realistic Fiction unit. The students are generating ideas of stories they wish existed that include strong emotions.
Science - We will being learning about sound waves.

FORGOT to ADD these details in the planners...
- Bible Quiz on Monday (blue study sheet in their backpack)
- Library on Monday

THINK! Energy:
On Thursday, we were treated to the THINK! ENERGY program sponsored by the National Energy Foundation.  For this program, we had a virtual presentation to teach us about energy, sharing information about:
  • What energy is
  • Where energy comes from 
  • How we produce energy
  • How we use energy
  • How to become more energy efficient through giving our homes efficiency makeovers
As Creation Keepers of God's world, that last bullet point is crucial to fulfilling our cultural mandate here on earth.  To that end, your child is bringing home a THINK! ENERGY Take Action Kit today.  This kit will ask you and your child to work on some energy related changes in your home.  Additionally, there is a white Home Energy Worksheet (HEW) in your child's take home folder today.  That worksheet is homework and will be due by Tuesday, October 11.  You may fill out the paper and return it to me, OR, even better, you may follow the instructions on the top of the paper to fill it out on line and submit it there.  Then simply write your confirmation code on the top of the worksheet and have your child bring it back to school so I know it is done.  Doing it online saves me a TON of time - otherwise I have to go through them all and enter them myself once they are turned inπŸ₯΄.  (I do not need the Family Activity Guide book back.)  That gives you a big week and a half to read through and work through the guide and complete the  installations provided.  Please note, if you are not interested in installing everything in the kit, you do not have to!  The white home energy sheet simply asks if you installed the products or not.  We still get credit toward the grant for the rest of the work you do, even if you do not install everything.  Just pass the items you don't use on to someone else who can use them. 😊

In your kit you will find:
  • an energy efficient shower head (complete the flow test experiment - bag is included - before and after installation)
  • a kitchen faucet aerator (complete the flow test experiment - bag is included - before and after installation)
  • 2 bathroom faucet aerators (complete the flow test experiment - bag is included - before and after installation)
  • plumber's tape to help with installation
  • a shower timer to put on the wall in your shower - an efficient shower is no longer than 5 minutes
  • a small scratch and sniff sticker to help you learn to identify the scent of natural gas (natural gas has no smell so an odorant called mercaptan is added as a safety feature so you can smell it and GET OUT of the house before there is an explosion)
  • "Turn it off" stickers to place on the switches of the lights that are most frequently left on in your home
  • 2 LED lightbulbs
  • a night light
  • hot water pipe insulation
  • window insulation kit with vinyl foam to keep the "draft" out
If you are nervous about knowing how to do all this, there are instructions included for most of the items (either on the packaging or in the student guide).  There is also a website where you can view how-to videos.

We learned SO much about Energy and our role as stewards of our resources.  Returning the completed Home Energy Worksheet will earn your child a THINK! ENERGY color changing pencil.

One added benefit of this assignment - if we get 100% participation, our class will be awarded a monetary grant to be used for educational purposes in our classroom.  What a treat!  The kids are already telling me what we should buy with our money!

Again, THANK YOU in advance, for taking on this energy challenge in your home.  Once your child returns the completed Home Energy Worksheet, we be eligible to claim our grant.  But the lasting impact of this assignment is much more valuable - learning to care for and preserve the resources God has given us!  We are being Creation Keepers!

Walk-a-thon T-shirts - Hang on to those shirts!  We will likely need them again for the All School Program in April.

Parent/Teacher Conferences - Please take a moment to sign up for parent/teacher conferences using the information you received from Holland Christian Schools via email on Monday September 26.

GRANDPARENTS DAY: On Thursday, Oct. 27, Rose Park will be inviting Grandparents and Friends into our building for a special visit. This is a busy day and Rose Park cannot quite handle the guest list of over 300+ people. 3-5th grade will allow visitors in their classrooms from 10:15-10:45. Then following we will have a singing program for them from 11:00-11:15. This is all the information I know right now. But I will let you know if anything changes.