Thursday, August 24, 2023

Welcome to Fourth Grade

                                        WELCOME TO FOURTH GRADE!
I am thrilled to be able to share it with you and your child!  Already I am enjoying getting to know the kids and are appreciating their varying personalities.  God has blessed us all to allow us this opportunity to grow together in Him. We flew through our first week! Your child is learning the daily routines and settling in! It feels great to have a classroom buzzing with excitement, curiosity, and eagerness to learn new things about our great God and the world He has placed us in! Thank you for sharing your child with me each day! 

Classroom Connections: This year you will be asked to keep up with our classroom happenings by regularly viewing this blog. You will receive a reminder e-mail from me with a link to this blog every weekend and it will be crucial for you to follow the link and browse around a bit.  
You may also find it valuable to bookmark our class website.  That website contains links to some valuable resources (field trip sign ups, encore schedule, ways to help) that you may need this year.  The students will also use that site to access some valuable class materials (links to online math fact games). 

Parent Night: If you were not able to make it to Parent Night on Thursday night, I will send home some papers on Monday. The Rose Park Monthly Newsletter (September's post) will also have some important details shared by Miska and Katelyn on Thursday night.

Planners: This week your child was introduced to his/her planner.  You’ll be able to keep up with what’s going on by checking your planner and looking over any papers that come home on Monday and Fridays.  
- Planners need to come to school everyday and go in their desks in the morning so we can fill them and send them back home again.  You may also place notes/papers in there that need to be returned to school.  Be sure to instruct your child to turn in those notes/papers in the morning when they get to school.  Planners must be signed by a parent each week by Friday so I know that the parents saw their child’s assignments that week.
- Folders will come home on Friday with papers from the week. We need those folders on Monday morning. These folders will be filled with homework on Monday and sent back home.

Gym Days: All students need a pair of gym shoes on gym day (Mondays and some Fridays).  They will be required to wear socks in these shoes, so if they wore sandals to school they should pack a pair of socks for their gym shoes.  If it is easier for you, you may just send a pair of gym shoes to stay in your child's locker at school.

Water Bottles: Because we don't have a drinking fountain in our room, each student should take a water bottle to school each day.  They will be able to refill it as needed, so one water bottle will be sufficient.

Baton: If you were at Rose Park last year and have not sent your child's baton back to school yet, you may do that at any time.

Paint Shirt: If you haven't sent a paint shirt to school yet, now is  a great time. 😉 Any oversized t-shirt that can get stained will do the job just fine.  No buttons please.

Headphones: If your child's headphones are not yet at school, please send those in as soon as possible. 👍

Donations: Some of you have asked if we need any donations of items this year. We are very blessed to not be in need. But if you desire to contribute something to the classroom, we (the teacher and students) always appreciate real tissues (not the scratchy school ones) and antibacterial wipes to keep the germs at bay. I also have an AMAZON Wishlist that I add to throughout the school year. Please do not feel obligated, but for those of you who are interested, those are the most helpful items. Thank you in advance!

Contact Information: I treasure your support in thoughts and prayers as we begin this year together.  If ever you have any questions of concerns, please feel free to contact me (  I want to work together with you to make this a great year for your child!

Learning about Self-Control, Engagement, 
and Respect (SER) with Mrs. Rynsburger and Ms. Roskamp!

Playing in the creek.

Remembering how recess works!

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