Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Welcome to 4th Grade!

We flew through our first week! Your child is learning the daily routines and settling in! It feels great to have a classroom buzzing with excitement, curiosity, and eagerness to learn new things about our great God and the world He has placed us in! Thank you for sharing your child with me each day! 

We have already started talking about what our classroom community looks like. We are learning about inclusion and how we can be models, teachers, and learners. This week, the students had a discussion with Mrs. Cunningham and myself. We talked about how we can work, teach, befriend, and love on Ian. The student had a chance to ask questions and share their understanding. I was BLOWN away by their maturity in these conversations. I cannot wait to walk alongside of them and teach them ways to include others in our classroom.

Twister sometimes look like yoga! Lots of "downward facing dog" pose :)

Ian was the spinner for his classmates' game.

Sometimes you need to play in the rain!

Here is what you need to know...

Field Trip Sign Ups:
Please use there links to access the sign ups for the field trips this year.

*We are all busy settling in to new routines, from school to soccer practices, etc. so we will ease into the year together. I recognize that families are busy with Labor Day weekend plans as well, so we'll start reading minutes, math minutes, math homework, and spelling the following week (9/6-9/12). 

*Please remember that Batons are due by Weds. Aug. 31. We will have a special convocation chapel at the high school gym at 9:00am on Weds., Aug 29. Parents and family are welcome to join us! 

WALK-A-THON: Walk-A-Thon envelopes will be coming home in your children's backpacks soon. Walk-A-Thon is our only elementary fundraiser for the school year. We are able to fund our Rose Park Ranch initiative as well as a variety of programming throughout the year for our children thanks to the funds raised through this event! 

FALL KIDS' STUFF RESALE: Fall is just around the corner and that means it's time for our Kids' Stuff Resale! Our fall resale is Saturday, September 17 from 9 am to Noon at Holland Christian High School. Join us for shopping or selling for all fall/winter kids clothing and toys. If you are interested in selling at the resale or for more info, please contact Michelle Schaap at or call 616.820.2813. The entry fee is $1 for adults and a portion of the proceeds go directly to the Tuition Grant Fund.

SKATING PARTY: You are invited to our all-school skating party! This event is offered to Rose Park families only and cost-free for you thanks to our wonderful parent board! Mark your calendar for October 11, 6:00-8:00 and find your disco gear! 

*THANK YOU for your love, prayers, classroom donations, and support as we begin this new school year together! I am blessed to spend each day with your child! 

Important Dates: 
Aug. 31 BATONS DUE! Convocation Chapel at 9:00am, High School Gym
Sept. 2 & 5: No School: Labor Day Weekend

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