Saturday, September 12, 2020

Sept. 11 - Week 3

It's been another great week in 4th grade!  We began our word work and reading workshop routines, moved further along in our writing projects and math lessons, investigated God's unique design and organization of the moon phases, enjoyed playing with our friends at recess, and dug deeper into His word as we finished talking about the truths of God's Word.  We even had our first library visit today, and enjoyed the THINK! Energy presentation.

Here is what you need to know!

SCHOOL PICTURES - Picture envelopes are came home yesterday.  Our picture time is 11:15 on Wednesday morning.  Be sure to send your child's picture form along to school on Wednesday, whether you want to order or not.  I would strongly encourage ordering the yearbook option, though.  Those won't arrive until the last week of school, but the kids really enjoy having one when they come so that they can be part of the group "signing each other's yearbook" activity that ensues every year!

THINK! ENERGY - We were selected to be part of a program called THINK! ENERGY.  We learned about preserving resources related to energy production in our community and homes.  As a part of this program, our class will be awarded a $100 grant if we have 100% of our students participate with the at-home portion.  For this, your child received a kit with energy saving devices that you can use in your home (it's got some pretty useful items in it - and it's free to you!).  There is a yellow page of questions (in the front pocket) that go with it which your child will have to answer and return in order for our class to get credit.  Please check out the previous post for details.

MATH FACT HOMEWORK - THANK YOU for all your support and encouragement with the math fact practice minutes at home.  Just a couple reminders:

  • students should be practicing addition and subtraction facts this quarter
  • our goal is speed and accuracy - this is not just "do any math for 10 minutes" time 😉
  • administer the mad minute test by Monday - 2 minutes, completing the problems in order (instructions are on the back of the paper).  Draw a line after the last problem completed and then have the child complete the rest of the problems untimed (as extra practice)
  • Keep checking in with your child periodically to be sure their ten minutes of practice time is quality work.  
  • Also, keep an eye on those mad minute scores - if they are going up each week, we are in good shape!  If they don't change or even worse, go backward, on a regular basis, the daily practice will need to be monitored a bit more for quality.
  • due every Monday
Again, thanks so much for your assistance with this portion of your child's math career.  You are setting them up for success in the classroom when they have those basic computations committed to memory!

READING MINUTES - continue with 30 minutes a day for a total of 150 per week, due every Monday.  At home reading is SO important to your child's reading success.

WORD WORK - A new word work (spelling) list will come home on Monday.  We will practice, research, and use these words in sentences for activities throughout the week, and then I will test the kids on Friday.  Our routines are getting established and that feels good!

MATH MAP TEST - As it is planned now, we hope to take the Math portion of the MAP test on Wednesday morning of this coming week.  We will also be completing the Delta Screener during the week, a math skills screener to check which students have met the math learning targets for 3rd grade.  We will study these results and reteach as necessary.

WALK-A-THON  - Please remember to send in the pledges your child received for the walk-a-thon on Monday.  Thank you!

Important Dates:

Walk-a-thon Packets Due - Monday, Sept. 14

School Photos (Forms due) - Wednesday, Sept. 16

MAP Math Test - Wednesday, Sept. 16

THINK ENERGY "yellow" pages Due - Friday, Sept. 25

Organizing the different phases of the moon!

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